Lay Me Down Chapter 17

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I sat down underneath the tree at lunch and glanced over the scholarship papers. I flipped through them until I found the requirements:

-Must have a minimum of a 3.5 GPA

-Must be a citizen of the U.S.A

-Must be a high school senior

-Must have no discipline records

-Must plan to attend a college in the fall.

I pretty much fitted all of the criteria. I mean, I was a smart student and I had never gotten in trouble before and it was my last year in high school.

 I read the rest of the scholarship information finding out that I had to write two essays; one stating the characteristics that I believe a leader must possess and the other was an essay about my goals for the future. I guess this wouldn't be so hard. It was a scholarship that the school gave out every year to three qualified seniors. It basically gave the winning students a full ride to college. I really needed this scholarship to get out of here and get away from Keith and getting this scholarship meant that Carter and I could probably end up attending the same college.

I was filling out the forms when Carter came and sat down next to me. He popped open a bag of chips and looked over at what I was doing.

"The Faber Scholarship, huh?" Carter questioned.


"Yup. Hopefully I'll get it and it will get me away from the people in this town," I stated. He covered his chest with his hand feigning a look of pain. "Oh please, you know that you aren't included in that category."

A smile swept across his face, "good. You still spending the night today?"

"Of course." It had been weeks since the last time Keith had tried to touch me or make me do anything for that matter. I think he was just a coward and was scared of Carter. Therefore I stayed at home safely now, but most of the time I ended up being with Carter.


"What are we doing?" I asked him.


"You know, a little bit of this and a little bit of that." 

I laughed, "so are you stopping at my house for me to get clothes and then go to your place?"




"Well, it sounds good to me," I said focusing back on my scholarship application.


After school, Carter took me home. I walked into the house while Carter waited in the car, that is, only after I assured Carter that Keith no longer tried anything with me recently, and he wasn't so overly protective anymore.

Keith was seated on the couch in the living room with my mom's head bobbing above his lap. Really? Could they not get a room for that? I sighed and hurriedly walked upstairs grabbing some clothes and all my cosmetics. I stuffed everything into my duffel and then I headed back downstairs and out of the door.

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