Lay Me Down Chapter 31

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 I woke up on the pavement in an alley. I did not go home with Trent. He was angry at me for going back in to warn Carter. Like I said, he’s bi-polar and I will never understand him. I basically had no home. Most of the time I stayed with Trent but when he was mad at me I had to find somewhere else to go. It was smart of him though to have me fuck dozens of guys before he even mentioned the fact that he was mad at me. 

I sighed as I pushed myself up from the pavement into a standing position, my body ached from sleeping on the hard ground. I slowly stretched my body and then I began my walk to Trent’s house. Yea, I hated how he treated me but he was the only one I could turn to at times. Once I made my way back to his house I knocked on his door. He answered shortly after.

“What do you want?”  

“What do you mean what do I want. You should be looking for me since I make your money for you.”

He slapped me on my mouth. “Watch the way you talk to me.” I looked away turning my gaze and looking at nothing in particular. “Do you understand?”

“Yea,” I muttered.

“I didn’t hear you.”  

“Yes Trent, I understand.” 

“Good.” He held the door open. “Go take a shower, you smell.” 

Well what do you expect when you leave me outside to sleep? I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stepped and instantly the water contacting with my skin making my body relax.

I stepped out of the shower my feet connecting with the cold, tiled floor. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body then I wiped the glass clear and looked at myself in the mirror. For some reason Carter entered my mind. I chuckled at my mind. Why was I thinking about Carter? I exited the bathroom and felt the cold air attack my skin. I walked into Trent’s room and looked in his closet for some clothes of mine. I was scanning through the racks when I felt hands slip under my towel. I quickly turned around pulling away.

“Relax, it’s just me,” he said. Exactly! I said to myself. He began to slip his hands back under my towel. I really didn’t want to be touched by him right now. I mean he had just hit me and he made me sleep outside all night. I pushed his hands away.

“Trent I just got out of the shower.”  

“Who cares?”

“I care.” 

“I don’t give a fuck about what you care about.” 

“Stop,” I told him pulling away once again. He gripped my hair in his hands and yanked my head back.

“You push me away one more time and you're dead,” he whispered into my ear. “You got that?” 

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