Lay Me Down Chapter 1

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WARNING: This story does contain mature content. It contains violence, bad language, sexual, and drug references. So please know this before you read. I will try to tone it down as much as possible though so it doesn't get too x-rated. So i do hope that you give it a chance and I hope you like it. Leave your thoughts in the comment box and don't forget to vote.

Lay Me Down


I lay there, lifeless. Every time I did this it felt like I would leave my body and come back once it was over. I closed my eyes trying to pretend that it wasn't happening. That's what I always did but it never really worked. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he panted. He moved above me up and down up and down he went. He grunted as he grabbed my legs and spread them wider and pushed them higher. I winced as I wasn't very flexible. He thrust in to me once twice more before he finished and rolled off of me. I pulled the covers above me and sat up. I watched as the man, a man I never met before. A man I had never seen retrieved his clothes and put them on. He dug in his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

"You were great" he said throwing a one-hundred dollar bill on the bed. He walked out. I got up locked the door and headed into the bathroom. I turned on the faucet and pulled the lever for the shower. I climbed in and the pellets of hot water collided against my skin. I would never do this again. I always told myself. I'm going to stand up to her and him and not do this anymore. Who was I kidding if I even stood up to her; I could definitely not stand up to him. We needed the money also. School was starting and if I ever wanted to leave this place class fees would need to be paid. Who was I kidding? I asked myself again. This was my life. This was me.

I woke up feeling groggy. The numerous clients that my mom and Keith had put on me last night had me feeling exhausted. I was so tired and I felt drained.  I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes as I got out of the bed. It wasn't my bed because it was shared amongst others when the time came. It was pretty late and I needed to get out of the house before Keith or my mom woke up. School was my way of getting away. If I wasn't at school, I was at home having sex with guys for money. So I did my best in school, in hopes that I would get a big scholarship and get away from this god forsaken place. 

I sat down on my bed and reached down to tie my shoes. I opened my window and climbed out jumping down onto the car port and onto the ground. I grabbed my book bag from behind the house and I began my walk to school.

I reached school just in time, the bell had just rang signaling that school was about to start. I walked a little faster speeding to my class trying to get there on time. I could not get another tardy, because that meant suspension, and suspension meant staying at home, and staying at home meant..... Ugh I didn't even want to think about it. I reached the class just in time and sat down in my desk which was isolated in the back of the classroom. I had no friends, maybe a few enemies, but no friends. I wouldn't even have enemies if people minded their own business and didn't worry about me at all. For instance Drew, he didn't like me much and the only reason was that he was used to girls falling at his feet but when it came to me I wasn't interested at all, but that didn't stop him from trying. First of all I never acknowledged anyone who took the time to get to know me, because eventually they would learn about what went on at my house and who knew what they would do after they found out about my life.

Then there was Holly and her best friend Tammy. We all used to be friends but once the things at home started. I kind of separated myself from them. They were pretty mad at me which I can't blame them for, but that was like four years ago. Get over it and stop spreading shit around about me that isn't even true.

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