6. The Dresses

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After days of fighting, I agreed to let Anise come over to my parent's house for Christmas. "Anise you are not wearing that to my parent's house!" I looked in her suitcase. It had a lavender dress that stopped at her knee.

My father was a very strict Christian, he believed that a child and woman should be seen and not heard. He also believed in modesty. So I bought Anise a dress that was modest but yet highly unfashionable, It was a royal blue with some white trims. I take out those dresses and replace them with those. Anise comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She picks up the dress I leave out for her

"Relax James... It's gonna be okay." She takes off the towel and puts on the dress without a complaint.

"How do I look." Her red hair was in a ponytail that was tied with a Royal blue ribbon.

"Beautiful." I kiss her head.

"Let's go." I close her suitcase. I pick it up and we catch the car waiting for us outside. We got into the car and I put our suitcases into the back.

I get and sit next to Anise. "My father is gonna ask you some terrible questions. You know that right."

Anise smiles at me, "You've said."

Anise held my hand. I kiss her cheek. She blushes. We were out of the city after hours of traffic. It would be a few more hours till we got to my parent's house. They lived in the countryside in a house I bought them.

Anise falls asleep on my shoulder, I look out the window. I breathe thinking of the anxiety I was handling. My father would hate Anise. He would ask her if she had slept with other men? If she had ever worked?

After the probably will go on a rant about how a good woman should be. Anise would probably not give into him.

She probably would stand up to him, or kill him. We go by a small pond. I smell the pond water. I lay back, I close my eyes.

I wonder what growing old with Annie will be like. I imagine our wedding. Her in the dress, She was going to look so beautiful no matter what. Then the honeymoon, we needed to think about that, I was thinking Maine. Then Children. I want Children, not a lot maybe just one. But watching the kid grow up and growing old and passing. Seems like the way to go.

"Mr.March!" The driver yelled. I open my eyes and see the small cabin that is my parent's house.

It was a small log cabin with white shutters and a green door. My father must be at work. I wake up Anise and she steps out of the car. I do so too. Anise yawns, "Cute place."

I get the suitcases and we knock on the door. "Do I look okay?"

"Yes, you do. I thin-"

I see my mother answer the door, Her raven hair greeting and her blue eyes perfect. "Am I dreaming is that my Jamie!" She screams as she hugs me.

"Yes, mother it is." I laugh. "Mom. This is Anise, She is my fiancé."

My mother's face lights up as she hugs Anise. This took Anise back a little. "I'm Courtney March, A pleasure to meet you do come in."

The house was perfect, well what it needed to be or else my dad would be cruel. I pull my mom aside, "When will William come home."

"James don't call your father by his first name. He should be home any minute now. Go upstairs and put your guy's suitcases in your room now." She laughs and turns around and leads Anise into the kitchen.

I walk down the hallway to my room, which was small but had a beautiful view of the pond. The red knitted blanket on the bed. My favorite blanket as a child.

I put the suitcases on the bed and go up to the kitchen. "What do you mean you don't know how to cook... even Jamie knows how to." My mother smiled as she stirred soup on the stove.

"Well, My mother never taught me because she thought I will always have a maid."

"Anise, You look familiar, what your last name?" My mother asks.

"My last name is Harding, My mother was Mary and My father was John." My mom put the wooden spoon down.

"You need to get her out of the fucking house now or else you know what you-" My mother was scared. I forgot that John Harding was the man who denied my father a job that was to

"I'll lie... I'll go under my middle name Marie. He will never know."

The fear subtracted in my mother's blue eyes. "Help me set these on the tablet, Jamie. Your father will be here at any moment."

"There's chicken in the stove and some bread." Anise helps my mother set the table. I put the stuff down, I look down at the window, I saw him walking up.

"Stand behind the chair, "I whisper in Anise's ear. She nods and stands there.

I hear the door open.

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