14. Nightmares

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James~ Four Weeks later~"No

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~ Four Weeks later~
"No." Anise screams, The thing about her recently was that she was having nightmare after nightmare.

I wake up, I see her shaking and screaming no. I put my hands on her shoulders to shake her awake. "Annie it's okay!" I yell.

Anise opens her eyes, She was still in that sleep haze. She moves her hand and punches me in the nose. I fall off the bed and on the floor.

"Oh my god. James!"  She shouts and gets by me.

"I'm sorry, I was half asleep I didn't know." She cries. I feel blood touch my lips. I stand up.

"It's okay. Just could you get me some tissues." I pinch my nose. She gets up and gets a box of tissues.

"Okay pinch your nose with these. Shit. I'm sorry I just had a really messed up nightmare and when you woke me I thought you were my dream still."  She cries.

"Don't worry." The nose bleed drys up fast.

I had no bruises which was good. I throw the tissues into a waste basket.

"Darling what was your dream about?" I ask Anise. Her hair was everywhere as it was down.

"You pushed me out of a window."

"Oh Annie I would never do that! Oh my gosh I wouldn't." I hug her. I feel a tear drip on to my shoulder.

My hands move to her bloated stomach that held my child. I still couldn't believe I would be a father. Her bump was small. She was only nine weeks, I couldn't do what I was planning because her symptoms were through the roof.

"James... could you not kill anymore." She lays back in the bed, the moon light hits her face and makes her eyes pop.

"Anise... You know"

I see a tear shed from her eyes, "James what if you get caught, you go to jail. Your name everywhere. What would our child think." I still had her hand on her stomach.

"Fine. I have a question?" I changed the subject.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl." I look at her face. She sighs.

"A boy."

I thought it would be a girl. "Mmmmm I would think you would say girl."

"I can tell it's a boy."

"How are you sure?"

"It's a gut feeling. James, I'm scared. What if you get caught? Will you rat me out! I'm just so scared." I put the white quilt on her and kiss her cheek.

"Darling Annie. You are stressing again. Now I suggest going to sleep." I tuck her back in the covers. She falls asleep, I try and fall asleep. Yet I couldn't. Something about Anise's dream made nervous. I knew dreams can't come true can they?

No they can't! I didn't fall asleep that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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