10.Fern-dale lodge

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James~July 13th, 1921~

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~July 13th, 1921~

I woke up at eight-forty. Anise was in bed. "Annie, My love we better get ready. So we can get to the hotel." I booked a night in a hotel so we could spend the night together and get ready for the wedding.

Anise had been very fatigued as of late. I told her to go to a doctor but she just shrugged it off as being nervous.

We already were running two hours behind, we would make it to Ferndale on dusk. "James can I please have another hour."

"No. No. Get up and you can sleep on the way there. I was thinking tonight I give you one last premarital fuck." I giggle. She smiles at the thought.

"I'll miss it." Her green eyes open. I kiss her lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We get ready. I notice Anise who was wearing a Light shade of Green skirt with a matching skirt and heels. "Hmmm... you would think after all this fucking I would lose weight." The skirt was a little less loose from when she got it.

She grabs one of her hair ribbons, a teal one. She put her hair in her simple low ponytail. It contrasted with her red hair perfectly. I hug her and kiss her cheek, "You still are beautiful. It suits you."

"James should we get to the car. We are running late." She kisses me back.

I pick up her suitcase. We walk out to the small black car. I put our suitcases in the back and get into the car with her. "James. Are you nervous?"

"For what?"

"Making this commitment. You are marrying me. Like do you love me?"  She asks, her eyes clouding with tears.

"Of course I love you. Don't cry, Why are you crying?" She balls out in tears.

"Because I'm scared that you don't love me." She cries on my shoulder.

"No... No. Why would you think that." I wipe away her tears.

"Well, I don't know."

"Shh... it's okay." As The car takes off to Fern-dale, Anise falls asleep again.

She had been acting weird, but yet I think it was the stress of the wedding getting to her.  It was around 5:30 when we got to Fern-dale lodge.

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