13. Mrs.March

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"You're what?"  James asks in confusion, cutting me before I can finish my sentence.

"I'm just a little tired. We should get going to the lake house." I didn't know how to tell him. I didn't know when I should. James nods, He picks up mine and his suitcase.

In my head I made a plan, I was going to tell him at the lake house. As we walk into the lobby I see Jane and James' mother. They smiled and waved goodbye. James puts our luggage into a black car like the one we arrived in.

I get into the car and take a deep breath, "Now Mrs.March let's get going." He smiles and starts to drive away. For long while I stared out the window, we drove by fields and forests. I tried to think about how I could James what the doctor said.

"I was thinking that tomorrow we could go for a hike early in the morning then after go down to the lake?" My new husband wasn't a morning person, So I face him.

"You're not a morning person my love." I roll my eyes.

"Well, I was thinking when we get up."

"How about the lake. Just that." I look at raindrops starting to drop on the windshield.

"Deal. We are almost there." I see him turn on a dirt road, We drive for about five minutes when I see the lake and next to it a small little cottage. It looked sweet.

I get out of the car, "Oh my gosh it's so cute."

The cottage had white trim and brown wood. James smiles as he takes the keys. I feel nauseous again. "Anise, How about you go along in. I will get the luggage." he throws me the keys.

I catch them and quickly run inside. I quickly run into the bathroom to vomit. As I held my hair back, I felt someone grab my hair and rub my back. I finish and sit by the toilet and close my eyes.

I open them and look at James. He was giving me a look like what you would give a disappointed mother to a child. "Anise..."

"It's nothing the doctor said it was the stomach bug." I lie.

"Tell me actually what's wrong Annie." He looks at me. Trying to pick my emotions.

"James... I'm just outworked and I need to go to bed." I had the perfect time to tell him. What was I scared of?

James helps me up and into the bed. "I'll get you a cup of water. I'll also go to the store and get some things." He walks out of the room. When he comes back you tell him. I will.

He comes back with some water, "Thank you." I suck the drink down.

"James before you leave, I have something to tell you." I sigh.

James sits on the bed with the blue quilt, I look at him and smile. I grab his hand and put it on my stomach. "Darling what does this mean." I smile.

"I'm pregnant James." I see him trying to figure out the words. For a few minutes, he just stays silent. His lips turn to a grin, "Splendid, I couldn't be more pleased. How far along are you?"

"Five weeks..."

"Ahhh, enough time to move to California. I think we can get a house and then-" He hugs me.

"How about we talk about that later. I'm tired now." I yawn. It was almost dark.

"Okay, I'll wake you when I get back. He kisses my head." I nod and go to sleep.

"Well, James you cheated on me!" I scream as run into what looked like a hotel street.

"I'm gonna leave and I'm taking the kids with me even your soon-to-be third child. God, I hate you!" I hear James close the door.

"Annie you can't possibly do this. You are being silly. Now I think I have should call Dr.Stables to up your medication." He sighs.

"Fuck you. I'm not crazy like what you are making me out to be!" I cry as I try to get by James.

He grabs my neck and starts to choke me, "Stop." I say

I wake up.

It Will Rain {james patrick march}Where stories live. Discover now