2. You didn't have to do this

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⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️ Suicide and depression is mentioned if this triggers you please turn away ⚠️

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⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️ Suicide and depression is mentioned if this triggers you please turn away ⚠️


A four weeks had past and Anise never came back. I planned it out. I would call Berts and they would tell her they were full and she would come back and take me up on that offer.

I wanted to kill her. I wanted to hear her screams and see the tears in her green eyes as I put my hands around her neck. But as she talked to me I slowly stopped picturing her as a victim and started picturing as my albi.

I heard a knock on my door. I was expecting it to be Anise but it wasn't. It was a man. He looked older and wiser like a doctor. I open the door.

"Good afternoon Mr.March I am from the Boston hospital. I have a woman that has a severe case of depression. She was found trying to jump off of a bridge in a park. The hospital has no room for her and no mental institution in the state is all full. I would hate to bring her to another state. But I was looking in her coat pocket and found your card. I know this is too my to ask but would you consider housing her?" The man asked.

"Who is she?" I knew it was most definitely Anise. I just needed to make sure.

"Anise Harding. She has red hair and green eyes." It was her. How did she get my card? I think she went to my office and Samantha scared her off.

"Yes, bring her over."

The doctor nodded. I closed the door and started to get things ready. I made my bed up. I looked at my pantry. I locked the doors to the patio and hid the knives. I took the pain killers in my bathroom and hid them in a cabinet.

I open it and see the doctor help her into my apartment. She looked weak and dirty. Anise falls into my embrace. She starts to cry.

"You can go now," I tell the doctor. He thanks me and goes on his way.

"You didn't need to do this." She wiped her eyes.

"What happened?" I ask her firmly.

"I have been living at the diner. I got caught and Andy fired me. Berts wouldn't take me. I had only 50 bucks and Andy stole it. So for the past three weeks, I have been living in an alleyway. I went to your office and the lady at the front desk told me nasty things. She told me I should jump off a bridge. So I tried. But."

She shrugs, "Someone saved me, it was a woman. I didn't get a good look at her but, she saved me from jumping. I fell asleep and the next thing I know I was in a doctor's office."

I started to regret calling Berts and telling them to reject her. But she did come or at least try to meet me. It was just Samantha, Dear Samantha. She has had a thing for me for months now. I knew what I was going to do but for now, I need to take care of Anise.

"It's okay now. I will draw a bath for you and after we can talk." I go to the bathroom. I make sure anything that she could use was hidden. I drew up the bath. I came back to find her passed out on the couch. I sigh to myself. I felt terrible but I couldn't reverse my actions. All that matter was that Anise was here and alive.

"Anise. Ani." I whisper. Anises green eyes bolt open. She sits up and looks out the window. The December morning was spitting snow and getting darker. New England winters gave me flashbacks to broken Christmas.

"Anise the bath is ready." I help her up and lead her to my bathroom. "There is a rob hanging up on the door and I will knock periodically if you."

"You can come in. I think it will be better. I hate being alone." Anise walks in. She starts to unbutton her dress and undergarments. She pulls out a hairpin causing her red locks to fall to her back. She gets in and dips her hair into the water.

"What did Samantha say to you?"

"I didn't go there just once I went to your office every day for a week. The first day she gave me a card with time to come by. Monday rolled around, I walked in at 8 am and she said you were in a meeting. Then Tuesday, she told me you were in one again. She asked me why I wanted to see you and she laughed. Wednesday, She just degraded me. Thursday, she said 'if you think James Patrick March has time for a whore then you are sadly mistaken. You know a girl like you would be great in hell." She cries a bit.

"I am sorry. I am going to fire her." I sit on the toilet. Anise shrugs her shoulders.

"It's whatever."

After awhile Anise gets out and I wrap her in my robe. I lead her into my room. She quickly falls asleep.

I put on my jacket and walk for a few blocks. I come across this building. It was Samanthas. I go to her apartment and knock at the door. It opens immediately. She was in her undergarments. She grinned and bit her lip. I was going to play her game.

"Oh, Mr.March I wasn't expecting you."

"May I come in?"

She opens the door to show me her apartment. It looked like a whore house. "What do you want Mr.March." She pours me some cheap brandy.

"You. Ever since I met you I have wanted to bend you over on my desk and take you. I know you like me." Her face turns red.

"You want to have sex with me, Mr.March?" She gets in my face. I kiss her. Her lips were chap and I could taste the chemicals of her lipstick.

She leads me to her bedroom. She lays on the bed. I start to kiss her and I slivered my hands to her throat. "Mr.March." She giggles.

I squeeze my hands enough where she could still talk but the air would get restricted. "Mr.March." Her face went serious.

"You deserve to rot in the pits of hell." I squeeze enough to make her not be able to breathe. She kicks and tried to scream.

It was about five minutes until she died. I quickly ran out of her apartment and walked home. I walk into my apartment. I find the patio door open. I rush out and look. Nothing. I look down. Nothing.

"If you were gonna hide the keys maybe don't put them in the tea cabinet." I turn around to see Anise with my blue mug drinking tea.

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