12. Fall

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I turned around, Anise like she was so nervous, but yet beautiful. The dress fit her nicely and The lavender flower, beautiful. A tear comes out of my eye, I wipe it.

The venue was an outdoor Garden, It had the most beautiful flowers and trees.

She finally is standing in front of me. Her lips a shade of red. I smile at her. The priest speaks, I wasn't paying attention only to Anise's beauty. We say the stereotypical vows.

"James do you take Anise as your lawfully wedded wife." He said.

"I do."

"Anise. Do you take James to be you lawfully wedded husband for as long as should live?"

"I do." She smiles.

"Now with the power vested in me you are now husband and wife you may now kiss the bride."

I kiss her, her lips are soft. I hold her until she randomly lets my lips go. Her eyes roll in the back of her head. Her eyes shut and she falls to the ground. I catch her head before it falls.

"Oh my god! Jane! Mom! Someone help." I yell.

"Anise, Darling wake up."  I tap her face. I touch her wrist. She wasn't dying, she just fainted.

"Okay let's call a hospital." My mother gets down and suggested it.

"Anise, Oh my god! I should have known something was wrong when she threw up. She told me it was the stress of the wedding." Jane stands unsure what to do.

"She threw up today?" I turn to her.

"Yes, she did."

"Okay call the hospital," I tell Jane, she nods and turns around to the hospital.

Anise's eyes flicker open, "W-what..."

"Mom go tell Jane she is up." My mother turns and walks away.

Anise still is looking at me confused. Her red hair a little messy and her eyes swelled up with tears. "Annie, You fainted. We are calling a hospital and a doctor will be coming as soon as they can. But Annie why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well. We could have waited." I help her up to her feet.

"I don't know. I'm not going to a doctor." Her tone was bitter and upset.

"Darling, we know this isn't the stress of the wedding. What if it's something bigger than this? Like cancer."

"James, I'm fine." She shouts at me. Jane comes around the corner.

"You are not, James let me talk to her." Jane looks at me and scolds me. I nod and walk away, The priest was gone by now and well. I was gonna check on my mother.

My mother's hair in a low bun and her dress was violet. I was scared for my now wife's health. "Mother did you think is going on with her," I ask.

My mother smiles, "Jamie, only time will tell."

A moment of relaxing silence comes between us. I see my sister's raven-haired head next to a red-haired girl walk out of the garden.

"She is going now." Jane smiles and fixes Anises hair.

"I'll go with you guys." I feel raindrops.

"No, Darling. I want just Jane, please. Besides, you should pack for the trip." Her eyes looked like she was tired.


Jane and Anise get going. I sigh, "I can help you pack." My mom offers.

"Jamie I think there is no reason to worry." She tells me as we walk to the room.

"But what if, it's something serious." I look out of the lodge window and see Anise and Jane get into a car.

"I doubt it." My mother is so optimistic.

"So, where are you guys going?" She asks.

"Lakehouse in Northern New York." I had a beautiful honeymoon planned. Hopefully, she wouldn't be so sick of it.

My mom helps me pack up the stuff, "Jamie..."

"Yes, mother."

"Why don't you take a walk." I take her suggestion. I go out of the room and walk all over the lodge. I walk outside and back into the garden. I sit on a bench and look up at the cloudy sky.

I hoped for Anise to be okay. I needed her to be okay.

I get up and was about to walk inside When I see her. Her hair now down and she was wearing a purple dress. She runs over to me and hugs me tightly.

I put my arms around her. "I'm okay James." She cries.

"What did the Doctor say." I wipe away a tear from her eye.

"That I'm fine I just have to take it easy for a few months." She smiles.

"For how many months?"

"A few."

"Splendid. Well, I guess after you feel better we can go to the Lakehouse." I kiss her cheek.

"The doctor recommends us to go on the trip."

"No... Darling your sick, Why would a Doctor's recommendations be that." That was so strange. Why would the doctor say that?

"James, I'm not sick." She snaps at me.

"Anise, you are."

She smiles at me, laughs, and shakes her head. "James..."

"What is it darling, We must get you inside. You must be tired." I usher her into the hotel and our room. She looked annoyed.

She begins to kiss me, "James I-" 

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