8. Water

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We got back early the next morning, my mom was beyond happy. We left at noon, Anise was very different. I don't think she slept that night after his body was taken out of the house.

"Annie, You should get rest." I could see her green eyes with bags.

"I'm fine." She looks outside the city.

"Annie is it because of what my father did to you."

"No! Stop talking about it!" She gets up and goes to our room. She closes the door.

Let her have space.

That night my father took me halfway to the store and then beat the shit out of me. Luckily I got up and bolted my way back to the house.

It was a few hours and I heard nothing. I quietly open the door. Her red hair was undone and spread. She was in one of my shirts and she was sleeping.

I noticed tear marks down her face. I laid on the bed with her until she woke up.

"James, what about a July wedding."

"Whatever you want my darling."

"Thank you. James."


"Could you get me a drink of water?"

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