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The green door opened, I felt nervous. James's father I've heard was a mean man. I looked down at the red carpet. I felt nervous. "Courtney you better have food on that table or else-"

The man bolts up the stairs and into the dining room, He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He looked sweaty. "Jimmy there you are." He hugs James. "Jimmy oh, how are you going to get a wife, shave the stache!" He laughs.

"Father, This is my fiancé, Anise Marie." His father smiles at me. The way he looked at me made me feel uncomfortable.

"Well, I am William March." He almost pushes James out of the way to me. He grabs my hand and kisses it. I felt disgusted, but I smile. "Pleasure to meet you."

He smiles and sits at the head of the table,  James and his mother sit down and I follow them. James' father starts a prayer. "Amen."

His father digs into the food, They all do. I take some too before his father speaks up. "So Anise where are you from?"

"Boston." I kept the answer plain and simple.

"Mmmm classic. Are you a believer?"

"Yes, I would go to church every Sunday." That was a lie, I went usually once or twice a month.

"So where did you and Jimmy meet?"

James spoke before we could speak, "We met at a party. She was invited and that's how we met."

"Wow Jimmy, so jumpy. How about after Dinner Jimmy and I go to the store to pick up some gifts." He smiles, I see James nod.

We finish eating and James and his father get up from the table. James was the same height as him. I got nervous. His father was already out of the door without even telling Mrs.March goodbye. James kisses my cheek and hugs me.

"Everything will be okay." James leaves. Something in my gut was telling me that something bad was about to happen.

James leaves, Mrs.March starts picking up the plates. "I'll do that."

"Oh well thank you, dear. I'm so tired, I spent the whole day cleaning and cooking. I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas. If only there was one wish that could be fulfilled."

I take the light yellow plates into the kitchen sink. "What's the wish?"

"His father to go, or die. I don't care anymore. I just am so tired." Mrs.March has a tear come from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I think I should get some rest." She wipes her tear and goes upstairs to her room.

I wash the plates, I look at the clock at 7:36. How long could they be? I am on the couch till about 8. I sigh and go downstairs to the room. I pulled out a nightgown, it was light pink. I go to sleep, I don't know how long had it been until I heard a Bang.

I thought James would be back. I get up and look in the foyer, no one was there. My mouth felt dry, so I went up to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I grab a cup and pour water into the cup from the cold faucet.

When I feel someone touch my butt, I drop the cup. "You know what would be good right now. Some Cherry Pie." It was his father.


"Shhhhh... James will never know. Hell, this might teach him a lesson to go for pretty girls like you." He starts to kiss my neck. I elbow him away, He grabs my elbows and turns me around. He slaps me over my face.

I yelp, tears stream down my face. He pushes me into the counters and traps me. He starts kissing me, I notice a frying pan on the stove, I accidentally forgot to clean it. I kiss him back. I hear him groan. I reach for the frying pan. I raise the pan and hit him over the head with it. He falls.

I grab his leg and drag him to a chair. I put him on it. That's when I see a figure, "Anise?" It was James.

I sigh with relief. I run to him, I notice a cut on his lip and head. "Oh my god, what happened." I touch the cut he flinches.

"I'll tell you later. What happened to you?"

"Your dad tried to fucking assault me. So I think it's better for all of us if we kill him." I look at his father, he didn't look like James they only shared the same eye color. I hated him.

"I like your thinking, but how?" James looked like he was crying outside.

"When he wakes up we stuff his face full of sleeping pills. Are you good at forging your dad's handwriting?"

I didn't know where this was coming from but whatever it was I loved it. James nods.

"W-Whats going on?" His father woke up. I turn to James.

"His pills are in a box under the bed, I'll talk to William." James kisses me.

I go upstairs to the March bedroom. It was cute. I saw Mrs.March sleep soundly in the bed. I go under the bed and grab his pills. I go back down and see James writing a note.

"You're going to hell Jimmy!" he shouts.

"No that's where you're going. James, can I do it?"

"I don't see why you can't. He can spit them out. Chop it up into a fine powder and mix it in some wine." I nod and do it.

Soon I had a drink that could knock out a horse within minutes. James tugs his father's brown hair causing his head to go back. I pour the drink down his throat.

I smile. James puts the note on the table and we walk down to his bedroom. James held me close that night. I held him close too. We were awoken by a scream. James' mother had found William dead on the floor. He said in his note that he couldn't live in this disgusting world any longer. The police came by and took him out of the house and ruled it as a suicide.

The two of them couldn't be much happier. They had the best Christmas in forever all because Willam had to go.

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