5.Navy Blue

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James picks me up and tosses me onto the bed. I was still in the blue scandalous outfit. James kisses me and I kiss back. His lips so soft against mine. I start taking off his white dress shirt. Fiddling each button slowly. I bit my lip, James whispers in my ear.

"Never thought you are whore for me. I thought you would be a prude. Guess I was wrong."

"I'm not a prude. It's just been a while since I have had relations."   James kisses my collar bone.

"Not your first time?" James mumbles as he slips the shoulder straps off my arms.


"Mmm. You have to promise me something Anise." James slides off the dress. and throws it on the floor.

"You will never fuck anyone, You will always be mine." He says words as he slips his fingers in me. I gasp. It had been a while since I had a man touch me like this. The last time was a few months ago, it was only a one night stand. But this wasn't that it was a commitment that I didn't think about.

"Yes." I squeak as he moves his fingers in a come here motion. His thumb touches my clit. I moan. "J-James. Please!" I yell.


I hear his belt unbuckle. He pulls his pants down. I see his member. It was large, very large. I was amazed by it. I see some precum come from the tip.

"Do you want to do this?" James asks. As he gets on top of me. I grab his face.

"Yes, James I do."

He enters me, I let out a breathy moan. He grunts. He starts thrusting slowly but soon getting faster. My head has crowed with the thought of climax until I climax under James. I open my eyes and cup his face with my hands.

He climax's and lays down beside me. He catches his breath.

I sit up and lay on his chest. "Mmmm... That was great." I say in a tired voice.

"It was..." James opens up the nightstand drawer to find his pipe. He lights it up and starts smoking it. I motion my hand for him to give me a cloud of smoke from it.

He puts it to my lips. I take a hit off of it. James plucks it out from my lips. I go into my nightstand and take out a cigarette holder and pull out a small cigarette. I light it up and start smoking.

I curled up on his chest and start kissing his chest. I fall asleep next to him.

That morning I woke up, James was already up. He was in the shower. I got up from the bed and tiptoed in the bathroom. My feet tapped along the tile till I walked into the shower. I look at His naked body. The body that was on me.  The body that was so hot. It made me wet just thinking about it. He turns around and looks at me. His body soaped in a Lavender smelling bar.

He grabbed my throat, I smile. He slammed against the wall. My eyes lit up with excitement. He gives me a sloppy kiss. I groan. He hoists me up and puts his head between my legs. His tongue teases my clit. I moan. "James!"

I put my head back. He goes faster and my moans turn to screams. The warm water splashed on my head. "Cum for me dearest..." James grunts.

I release and I close my eyes. He hoists me down a bit. "We aren't done, my love." He gives me a grin.

He slams into me, I shout "Oh my god!"

He thrust so hard. "Fuck! Oh my God! I'm not gonna be able to walk after this!" I scream.

"You are very vocal-" James comes to a climax. I climax at the same time.

"You're a revelation." I give him a sloppy kiss. He helps me down. There was a pounding soreness coming from my legs. James gets out of the shower and wraps himself in a light blue towel. The water was starting to get cold so I took a shower quickly.  After I wrapped myself in a towel. I dry my hair and style it as best as I could. I put on some makeup.

I walk into the bedroom and take off my towel. I feel arms go around my shoulders. James whispers in my ear "You know what we can do today." He whispers in my ear.


"We could spend the whole day having sex. God your face when I was pleasuring you were so hot." He starts to kiss my neck.

"No James. I have to go shopping... You can pleasure yourself." I smile.

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