9. Jane

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Anise~June 13th, 1921~James groans, I had him in my mouth

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~June 13th, 1921~
James groans, I had him in my mouth. He forces my head down his member. I practically choke on it. I continue to suck on him. "Your mouth is heaven. I could practically stay like this forever."

I feel his cock twitch in my mouth and he was so close to cumming. I go faster, his groans get louder. He finishes and I swallow it. I curl up by his side. "You did amazing Annie." He catches his breath.

That's when we hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it." James had his shirt off. and his boxers were on him.

I lay back thinking about how by in a month I'll be married. James and I were beyond in love. He still kills people and I help sometimes. It's a fucked up way of love I know.

I go into James' nightstand and get one of his cigarettes. I light it up and lay back. James runs into our room. "What is it," I ask him.

"My sister is here." He hassles to get a shirt on.

"You never told me you had a sister."

"She went missing a few years ago I thought she died. She'll explain better than I can." His shirt was grey.

"Mmmm, I'll get ready." I get up from the bed and go to the small closet. I pick out a light shade of the rose dress. I put on some black mary janes. I put on some peach eyeshadow and some red lipstick and blush. I put my red hair in a Cobalt blue ribbon and put it in a ponytail.

I brush my teeth quickly and fix my lipstick. I walk out to the parlor. A woman with beautiful raven hair, that was cut short and curled, was sitting on the couch. Her eyes brown like James. Her lips in a dark cranberry. She wore a masculine but yet feminine suit. She smiles at me, "Is this the woman you hitched Jamie!" She smiles.

She walks over to me and hugs me. "Jane, I proposed. Hitching is not the term to put it." James rolls his eyes.

"Oh, Jamie you have always been so punctual. So tell me how did you guys meet."

"Well, we met at my old job," I whisper.

James rolls his eyes, "Jane how are you alive? You died on a ship to London."

"Jamie. I never went to London. I said that to get away from a fuckwad of a dad." She rolls her eyes at him.

"I heard my little brother was getting married, of course, I would want to come. Mother told me because I found that William died. So... Annie do you have a dress."

"Um... I was thinking just this navy blue dress I have."

"That will not do. Tomorrow we are going to dress shopping."

"I should be getting back, Mother and I need to catch up but, I'll come over at 10:30."  She smiles at James and walks out of our apartment.

"Little brother?" I said with teasing and confusion.

"She was born five minutes before me."

"Mmmmm, Well how about we go back to what we were doing." I bite my lower lip.

"That's what I was thinking." James picks me up and carries me back to bed. He takes off my rose dress and leaves it in my periwinkle underwear.

"Your so beautiful."  He kisses my soft lips. His lips go from neck to the valley of my breasts. He unclips my bra and throws it on the floor.

He groped my breasts, I moan quietly. "You are so sensitive." He leans his head between my thighs.

His tongue swirls on my clit like a lollipop. "Yes." My hand flies to his dark curls.

My moans get louder and I knew I was gonna cum soon. He licks faster knowing this was gonna make me climax. I knew I was almost there. I was at the top, He brings his head up between my thighs. My eyes open and meet him.

"You thought I was gonna let you cum like this. No." He smiles and starts to do a shirt.

It felt like a lifetime till he got to his pants. He pulled down his boxers so slowly, that I groan. "Hurry it u-"

He rams into me. I scream, my eyes roll in the back of my head and tears run down my face. I climaxed under him. James kept going, each thrust brought a wave of climax.

"Oh- Annie you are so beautiful." James cums in me as one last final edge gets lifted.

He pulls out of me and lays next to me. I curl up next to him. "I love you."

"I love you too."



"I don't want this to end. Just us. No responsibilities just us." His chest was still catching breath.

"That's what a honeymoon is for. I've been planning all month on what we are gonna do." He takes out the ribbon in my hair.

"Does it involve us fucking our brains out?" I give him a dopey smile.

"We have already have been doing that. You should get some sleep, my love. Don't want to be tired of dress fittings." James kisses me. He was right, We were fucking each other constantly. In his office, On the kitchen counter, A bathroom, Anywhere.

I fall asleep. I wake up to James kissing my lips. "Good Morning My love."

"Good Morning."

"Jane called, She said she will come over at 10:30 and you guys will have brunch and go to some stores."

"What time is it now?"


"Don't you have to go to the office?"

"Not in an hour."  He smirks and he kisses me. He starts touching my breasts.

"You don't like quickies, my love." He continues to kiss me.

"Please. I want you, I need you." James dramatically begs. 

"Do it yourself." I slip out of bed and get ready. I put on a dark sky blue dress. I put my hair in a ponytail and go out to the living room.

James was in the shower and I could probably guess what he was doing. I grab a Newspaper and start to read it. "5 men murder."

I knew of his hobby, James never made me watch or anything. Only a few times I have joined in.

I hear the shower turn off. I hear him whistle. He walks out in a suit and his hair gelled. "You fix your itch," I ask.

"Not entirely darling. I won't until the wedding night." James walks behind me hugs my midriff and kisses my neck again.

"Please..." James begs again.

"Not Now Mr.March. You should get to the office. " I turn in his grasp and kiss him.

"Very well my Bride. I will see you tonight." He kisses me. He puts on his hat and walks out of the apartment.

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