11. Lavender Flowers, In July

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"Wake up! Wake up! Come on it's your wedding day." I hear Jane yell. I open my eyes to a cloudy day.

"Please five more minutes." I groan. I wasn't tired from the sex, I was tired of the stress of the wedding.

"No... No. We must get you ready. Come on I can't wait for you to wear the dress." She squeals.

I look at her already in her bridesmaids' outfit. She wore a simple purple dress. It was one of my favorite colors. Lavender.

Jane gets me up, by pushing me out of bed. Thinking about the wedding made me feel sick. My stomach hurt and I felt like I was gonna throw up. "I need to go to the bathroom."

I run to the bathroom and throw up. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Jane runs to my side.

"Yes I'm fine, I'm just not feeling good." I sit on the side of the bathroom.

Jane feels my face, "You aren't burning up."

I felt better mainly, But still tired. "Okay let's get you cleaned up." She got a rag and put warm water on it, and wiped my face.

She helps me up and goes to the little desk with make-up and hair things. She starts doing my hair. "Anise, Does James use you know."



I stop, I look at myself in the mirror. "Well... Sometimes." James and I never talked about kids. I wanted kids, I thought it wouldn't be now though.

"Anise, have you considered that you might be-"

"I've considered it okay! I'm not pregnant. It's just the stress of the wedding that's all." I didn't mean to snap at Jane.

"Okay." She sighs and finishes with my hair. It was in a simple updo with a comb made with light blue crystals.

"I love it."

"Time for the dress." She runs to a trunk and pulls out a bag with it in it. The blue bag unzips, I see the dress. I gulp. The dress was box-shaped, It had lace covering the cloth and sleeves.

It was beautiful. I go into the bathroom and undress from my nightgown. I shimmy into the dress, It was a little tighter than when I got it. I look at myself in the mirror then at my ring. Soon I would be Mrs.March. This is for the money.

Did I love him? Was this just an illusion?

"Anise are you okay in there?" I head Jane shout.

"Yeah!" I walk out of the bathroom. I see Jane with Makeup.

"Oh my god! You're beautiful." She smiles.

She does my makeup simple which is always perfect.

"Oh let me get the flowers. James ordered them from Southern France." She grabs a small Bouquet of Lavender flowers.

It was at least half an hour till the wedding. My anxiety was pumping, I take deep breaths. Before long I hear, "Anise it's time." Jane whispers.

I close my eyes and open them. "Okay." I look at myself in the mirror. My green eyes cloud with tears. I take a deep breath and stand up. Jane smiles at me. She grabs a clip with the vail and puts it in my hair. The vail was white with a blue tint.

I grab the flowers and walk out of the room, Jane leads me until we get to the door. "When you hear the music walk out." She walks out.

I stand there in front of the door. I heard violins playing a tune. I open the door, The venue was a small garden. It had vines and flowers growing on the walls. I see Jane on my side and his mother on his side. I see the priest and then I see James.

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