3.A Shitty Cook

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I woke up to a gust of cold

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I woke up to a gust of cold. I saw the window open and snow falling into the city. I get up and put my head out of the window and the snow touches my head. I smile. I loved the snow and the cold when I was little. I used to sneak out and go sledding all the time.

"Well I wasn't aware of her affairs, she only said she was courting a man outside of the city."

"Are you aware of his name?" The middle voices of men speak.

I open the door to reveal two detectives and James. They were sitting and talking.

"No, she never really talked about him. She did one day come to work with a huge bruise. But I- ah." James walks over to me.

"Darling go back to bed," James says as he closes the door in my face. I was going to talk to him about this as soon as the men leave. I go to his nightstand and find a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I light one up and look at the busy city.

Within an hour James walks in and sees me looking out the window.  "What did they want?" I ask James.

"Nothing just don't go out unattended." James looked nervous.

"What do you mean."

"A man is murdering single women." James and we're close to the point where I could feel his breath on my face. James could get me what I wanted. All I needed to give was. Sex.

He kissed me long and hard. He lets go of me. James looks at me. "I will call a styler to get you some clothes but until then-" I kiss him and cut him off.

"Oh." He groans. James touches my back and leads down to my ass. Which he touches and squeezes. I gasp. My hand goes down to his chest to his erection in his pants.

"James I-" He backs away from me.

"We should wait for a better time. Anise"

"Call me Annie."

"Annie how about I call a styler and get you out of my dress shirt and after we get lunch?" James asks.

I nod. James walks out of the room. It wasn't until a woman came into the room with a cart of clothes.

"Mr.March told me your dress size your a 6 right?" The woman was old and had her hair in the weirdest of ways.


"Well, this is a whole wardrobe of dresses and pants that should fit you." She turns around and walks out. I look at everything. I look at a white polka-dotted dress with emerald green.

I put it on. I fitted me. I looked nice. There was a box of makeup and put on a dark purple lip. I walk out of the bedroom to see James reading the paper. I stood there awkwardly.

"You look beautiful." He stopped reading the paper. I smile.

"Thank you." I look at James who could not stop looking at me in amazement.

"Well, you must be starving. We must go to the restaurant." He grabs my hand and guides me to a coat rack. He puts on a heavy black jacket on me and then the same of his.

Within weeks I went from living with James' to being with him. I will admit I have feelings for him as well. When I said I had feelings, I meant a heart full of them.

I just didn't want him to get my inheritance, I wanted him. "Annie, I'm home," James shouts as he walks into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" James asks as he puts an arm around my back. I was reading the cookbook as I tried to make the beef

"Cooking your favorite. Beef Wellington. Well, I should be saying trying." I look at the confusing directions. Telling me to put the beef in the bread.

"I need to tell you something." He kisses my head and walks out of the kitchen.

"Just a second I need to throw this in the oven." I put the tray into the oven and set a timer for 65 minutes.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about James?"

"Sit down." He sits on the couch and I sit next to him.

"What?" James looks down at the coffee table.

"It may be a little early to be asking this but why don't we just get married to each other. Marriage has a lot of benefits and You can get the money." I look at James.

"Honey...We only have been together for four weeks. This seems a little fast." I look, James. Who was pulling something out of his pocket?

It was a black velvet box. He opened it to reveal a blue sapphire ring. "Well looks like this ring was a waste." James puts it on the coffee table.

"Fine! Yes James I will Marry you." A smell of smoke fills the room.


"Yes, James." I put on the ring.

"When you get your money. Do you want to go to California? I know I am asking a lot out of you. But in California, we will be accepted." James's smile was huge.


He kisses me. I kiss him back. The smell of smoke gets worse. "Um..." I look up and see smoke. I stand up quickly causing James to fall onto the couch. I walk into the kitchen to see the stove on fire. It was getting bigger and bigger. I needed to find something to smother it. I look around for baking soda or salt.

"Fuck!" I shout. James comes running into the kitchen. He quickly grabs a cup and fills it full of water.

"Are you crazy that will make the fire worse?" I scream at him as I look in a cupboard quickly. I find a jar of baking soda and throw it onto the fire. It goes out slowly.

"How about I make something." James looks at the now baking soda covered beef wellington. I felt a blush come on to my face.

"These new stoves. They have malfunctions darling." He puts the tray in the sink.

The one thing I knew about myself is that I am a shit cook. I will always be.

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