Prologue: Act 1

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Anise Harding grew up in the city of Boston to a rich family. Anise had beautiful red locks and green eyes.

Her mother Mary Harding was a wicked woman. She hated her husband but believed that a woman should be married by the age of twenty-one regardless of love.

Anise's father, John Harding hated her mother and believed the same ideals. The couple had five children. Three boys and two girls.

Anise was the youngest and she was about to turn 19 So Anise had to sit through the endless amount of matches. All more boring than the last one.

Then the Spanish Flu hit. People were dying left and right. It wasn't until the Harding's got a bad case of it. Anise had it the worst. But Mr. and Mrs.Harding were older and were struggling with mild symptoms.

It was a week after and Anise was getting better but her parents were getting worse. Within the next week, Anise was better but her father died and her mother was 3/4 in the grave.

Anise was now fully trying to nurse her mother back to health. It was April 16th, 1919. "Mother I brought you some broth I think you can-" Primrose stops. Her mother was down on the floor. Her light red hair was down and her eyes were a dull gray. she walks over to her. She was dead.

Anise attended the funeral. No one came due to everyone not wanting to get sick. Now with her parents died she had to go to the family attorney. Henry Hord. Henry and John were close friends. They both shared the same views and ideas. John and Henry would go golfing on the summer vacation to Maine.

Henry Hord was crooked and would do anything in his way to get her to be what her father wanted. Two days after her parents died Anise went to his office.

"So do I get my share?" Anise asks.

Henry grins while looking at the paper of the will.

"No, you don't. Not until you are married." Anise's heart sink. "Now you can find a marriage yourself or you can marry my son Howard."

Anise shakes her head and stands up. She walks out of the office.

Months had passed and she was doing odd jobs and sleeping at a place which charged 10.00 a week for a bed. She also just turned 19.

One of her jobs, including washing dishes at a restaurant. Anise was washing the dishes as she normally does when she sees her boss, Andrew walking through with a man. As the man got closer and closer, she recognized him.

The black hair, brown eyes, the suit that was also perfect. That was the one and only James Patrick March.

Recently Mr.March had become a celebrity. Mr.March glances at Anise. Her fiery red hair was pulled back. Her green eyes are what set him off about her. Anise looked up and then down immediately.

"Andy, who is that?" James points to the Anise. The small aging boss looks at the direction he was pointing toward.

"Oh, that's Anise Harding. Pretty isn't she." Andrew smiles.

"Yes very." James felt something drawing her in with her.

"My boy I suggest you take a shot with her! She is only 19. But I suppose you shoot a shot!" Andy smiles.

James walks over to Anise.

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