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Go ahead and say what's on your mind



"I don't get it. You're only fucking Harry now?" Allegra says, taking off her metalworking mask.

We had been talking about Harry and I for the past thirty minutes since I got to work. Harry hung around my place for an hour just talking nonsense about Luna and how much he hated her before he started falling asleep. I sent him back, he was clearly hungover.

"Yeah. We were only screwing each other anyway so nothing's really changed. Just no more Apollo."

"Is he good?"

"Best I've ever had." I laugh. "What about you and Zayn? I saw you on him the other day."

"Zayn? Yeah, absolutely not. We're friends."

"So does that mean you'll hook up with Niall next time we see him again?" I ask, and she clenches her jaw at the reminder.

"I don't know. I'm not into Zayn like that. He's hot as fuck though." She admits.

"Ew shut up this is like listening to my siblings talk about fucking each other... maybe you should stick to Niall." I grimace, looking at the time. "Shit it's late. Where's Dorian?"

"Upstairs in the loft. He's sleeping here tonight, something about Apollo fucking some other chick."

"I'm going to go check on him, close up the shop please?" I ask, and she rolls her eyes playfully before getting to closing everything.

I walk up the steps and into the loft, finding a sleepy Dorian sprawled on the sofa. I grab the blanket from the basket and walk over to him, covering him from the air conditioner which was blowing on him.

He grumbles a bit, moving until he opens one eye and looks at me. "Thanks." He says groggily.

"Did you eat?" I ask.

"You know, for someone who has one meal a day and lives off nicotine gum and diet soda you're really concerned about what I eat." He laughs.

"Answer the question, D."

"Yeah. Allie brought up some food earlier." He says, eyes closed. "Are you working tomorrow?"

"Nope. All you. Allie and I finished the big repairs so if anyone comes in with one tell them that they'll have to wait. She's going to visit her parents this week."

"Aren't they from here?"

"They retired to Florida... somewhere on the west coast." I reply. "Only paint jobs and shit that you can handle, alright?" I tell him.

"Yes ma'am." He sighs. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Something else." I shrug. "Go to bed Dorian. I love you."

"Love you too, Benny." He returns, turning around and nuzzling into the couch.

I leave the loft, coming down to see Allegra taking her overalls off. I do the same, leaving them hung up on the rack.

"What time does your flight leave?" I ask her, washing my hands from any of the motor oil that might have fallen on them.

"4 AM."

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