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this chapter is fully 10K words long wtf


We're dancing like we lost control

Irrelevant at times before



We had gotten away with our plan for the night and we were safe for now. The point was to stay hidden and win, and throw off Russell and Victor. Their racer came in second and Niall came in third, but we'd be giving him a cut of our earnings for the night.

78 thousand dollars for a single fucking race, and it wasn't even a tournament, so the stakes weren't as high as they would be when eliminations start up. I get why Rumer and Zayn left Oakland for this life: the cycle of a big payout and luxury was something everyone should get.

This was the usual lifestyle of these people. Race, party, next city, repeat.

It was only fair that Bentley and the rest of the crew got a taste of it, seeing as we'd be living like this for a bit until we'd make the first official move and put our foot in the door.

Today was just a test drive, of sorts. Well, a test drive with a huge payout.

Bentley and the rest of them had no idea we'd be partying tonight, but Louis had taken them to Crest and we'd meet up with them as soon as Ben got changed.

"Harry, I'm not partying in black sweats."

"You look beautiful, can we just go?" I debate, but she's not having it.

"How's it fair that you're in leather and I'm in loungewear?"

"I told you to wear that dress I like... who's fault is it you didn't listen?"

"Maybe you should've made me listen."

"And how would I have done that?" I ask, smirking at her.

She moves her hand over my leather trousers, the ones I'd wear with a matching black leather jacket when it'd get cold in London.

I had my black silk shirt on too, but it was buttoned all the way to the top so they can't see any tattoos.

"Come on devil, you know that when there's a will, there's a way." She pulls her hand back, moving it to switch gears into park and turning off the ignition before running off into my flat.

I was against coming back to my flat for this but she insisted, and it's harder to say no to her these days now that we both knew we'd do anything for each other.

At least I would.

Well it didn't matter as of right now because I caved, and here we were.

I've been sitting outside in the living room for a good twenty minutes before I heard something tumble loudly in the bathroom.

I stand up, securing the gun in my waistband, walking into my bedroom and knocking carefully against the bathroom door.

"Ben, everything okay?" I ask.

"Can you help me really quickly?" She requests, and I open the door to find her sitting on the counter, back against the mirror and some of her products and her shoes look like they had fallen to the floor.

My eyes travel from her ankles up her body, smooth legs with a few scars and a bruise or two before letting them trail up her torso and onto her face.

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