I turn and face the enemy
I'm not scared
We arrived in Santa Fe a few nights ago.
The drive took us a little over two days but we were taking our time on the road and we'd spent the time so far in Santa Fe catching up and planning everything further.
I had a love hate relationship with Indianapolis now, because Ben and I had fought, but making up the way we did was simply unforgettable.
Another reason to love Indianapolis was because when we got to the shop the next day to pick up the R100, a ton of modifications we needed had been made.
The entire staff of the shop had been working on it for us as a thank you for the week long bonus pay, and it was almost race ready.
I was insisting on a radio installation, but Bentley was still in need of some convincing, seeing as I had barred her from playing Life is a Highway while I drove.
The work they did was fucking flawless. We should've known, Indianapolis is the car capital of the US, after all. The look on Bentley's face when Liz came and told her what everyone had done was priceless.
She even gave Liz a hug.
She was off with Niall getting the inside scoop for all things import on a vacant road, and I was in the garage, sitting with my feet kicked up and a bag of sour rainbow belts. I watched as Dorian and Apollo were fixing Ruby, and Louis was sitting beside me. Allergy was on the other side of Lou, wrapping up some last minute technical installations with Zayn through her computer.
It was only 10 o'clock in the morning but we'd been out here since a little past sunup.
"You fucking idiot, this is your fault!" Apollo complains, leaning against the tool cart.
"No it's not!" Dorian throws back.
"You're the one that ran us into a cactus." Apollo deadpans.
"You're both idiots, you crashed Ruby by making her a bloody cactus cannon." Louis chimes in, lighting the third cigarette of the hour.
I glare at him because I'm not used to the smell of the smoke after all these months with Bentley, and he clicks his tongue before taking a drag of the cigarette.
"I'm getting my smokes in before she comes back, wanker." He exhales, the gray smoke clouding up.
"Good." I say plainly, leaning back into my seat.
I close my eyes a bit, but it's not long before Zayn speaks up.
"So what's this about a shootout? Benny didn't really explain it well." He asks, scratching his head and taking his glasses off to clean them with the edge of his t-shirt.
"We got to the garage in Oxford to grab the truck and ran into Zuckerberg-"
"The facebook guy?" Dorian asks.
"No, Lucas. I call him Zuckerberg because I hate him and he's like a computer god or something." I say, smacking my mouth in distaste before continuing. "Well he was there because Victor planted him there, he called some of his men in and I used his body as a shield. Got shot to death by Victor's goons."

DRAG - [h.s. au]
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] Bentley Hale is the best street racer in the Bay Area, but everything changes when she becomes wrapped up with Harry Styles, the new official racer for the Oakland Kings gang. Bentley's got a wicked mind and the attitude to match, but so...