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I could hate you now 

It's quite alright to hate me now 

When we both know that deep down 

The feeling still deep down is good



Bentley had been shaking for the entire plane ride back to Oakland. She fell asleep over me for a while, but I could feel the anxiety radiating from her.

She was in one of Rumer's hoodies I had taken, covering her love bite covered neck. Her usual sneakers graced her feet and she was bare of all her jewelry except the pearl ring.

When Bentley muttered that they were taking Emmy with them to Oakland, I almost collapsed. Emmy was easy to protect in London. She had security and knew her way around... taking her from that environment is terrifying.

I can't lose my sister. She's the reason why I am even here. I stayed alive for her, took lives for her. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have come to Oakland and met Bentley.

She's my little sister. I'd stop moving traffic for her, watch the earth shatter, sacrifice everything for her. I wish they would've left her in Oakland, but I know why they didn't.

Victor found them, gave them information, and let them go.

I knew he had a greater plan and I was panicking over it. He was right, he is smarter than Luna. I'm worried. Worried about Emmy. Worried about everyone. Worried about Bentley.

God, I'm freaking out about Bentley.

She hasn't detached and I don't think that she will. She's gotten better about controlling her emotions and her reaction. She was back on her meds and had found some balance the last few days, but this was a curveball she definitely didn't see coming.

We got back to Oakland before everyone else did and I had convinced Bentley to sleep some more.

Being back at my place was even weirder.

I had forgotten how it looked, seeing as we'd spent so much time away.

The knives are still stabbed into the wall and my mattress is still on the floor. Bentley is wrapped up in the covers, and I've been sitting on the sofa since after our shower.

I washed her clean and dressed her, brushing through her hair and admiring how much it had grown since her impulsive chop a few months ago. Her hands trembled and her lip quivered with each passing second, the warm water not enough to distract her from what was unfolding before us.

She knows. She knows what's coming, and it terrifies her.

The one thing she wanted to keep to herself had been exposed to those she cared about the most, and they were going to give her hell for it.

I offered to lay with her but she looked up at me in embarrassment before saying she'd rather sleep in the bed alone.

We were back to her desperate attempts to get some control back in her life. It broke my heart when she told me that, but I understood. So with a simple kiss to her hand, I placed the covers over her gently and walked over to the couch.

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