The Wedding

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The next few mornings when I go to the hospital and see Jo, I see another familiar face too. Everdeen has managed to get herself shot while she was in Two, and her ribs are bruised. Johanna's dying for some morphling, so I also have to help her steal some of Everdeen's supply. Don't worry though, I'm watching her for any signs of addiction.

Chase, Yana and I have begun meeting up during reflection to talk about our days. They both follow their schedules, so their days are much different than mine. We've become a family again, a real one. Lilyanna has no problems with the idea of Chase and I together, so we can actually show physical signs of affection in front of her.

Plutarch, Fulvia and I have decided to hold a wedding for Finnick and Annie. We'll have Cressida's team shoot a propo to show the Capitol that we are still kicking. Fulvia wanted Peeta to bake the cake, and I offered to help him.

Peeta's therapy starts right after breakfast time. I eat a hasty breakfast with Chase, and set off for Peeta's hospital room. Plutarch, Fulvia, Delly, and a ton of doctors are already there.

"Hello, Alex!" Delly greets. "We were just talking about how you and I are going to help Peeta make a cake."

Delly and I don't seem like the best people to pair together, but if it will help Peeta, I'll put up with his naïve childhood friend. "Sure." I say.

Plutarch shakes my hand. "We were thinking you two would tell him about the wedding, and ask him to make a cake over the course of the next few days. You're the best two people for the job."

"How's he do with the mention of Everdeen?" I ask.

Fulvia ponders this. "He's been doing better. A part of him is still suspicious of her, but he's beginning to come around. You can come close to the topic, but don't mention her unless we give you the okay."

I open my mouth, but Plutarch answers my next question immediately. "We'll be communicating with you through earpieces. Alex you've worn one before, and Delly, it's pretty simple. We can hear anything you say, and you can hear anything we say, okay?"

Delly nods. "Is it uncomfortable?" She asks. "I've always wondered."

I shake my head. "Not at all."

Plutarch and Fulvia wish us luck, before fading away. I turn to Delly. "Do we have a game plan?"

She sighs. "He's done the icing for years at the bakery. He knows how to ice a cake, or at least, I hope he does."

"Let's hope the Capitol didn't show him videos of cakes attacking people." I say lightly.

To my surprise, she laughs. "Yeah, I guess." She says, smiling. Her smile is very pretty, and I'm shocked that she and Peeta never tried being a couple. People have said that about Finnick and I, but we met after our innocence was gone from the Games. Delly and Peeta have known each other since before they could speak the word innocence.

"What was Peeta like as a child?" I ask.

She smiles again, remembering old times. "He was sweet. Always standing up for me, calling me his sister." Delly wipes a lonely tear from her right eye. "It's nice to feel like someone cares for you. It's easy to take for granted."

She's right. I have this sudden urge to hug Chase, to remind him how glad I am that he cared. When I was reaped for the Games, he came in and asked if I had anyone to watch Lilyanna, who was three years old then. Through the years of being scarred neighbors in the Victor's Village, we've grown to love each other. Even in times when Finnick wasn't there, Chase was. Whenever I needed comforting, and Finnick was in the Capitol doing the bad things Snow made him do, Chase would come over and watch movies with me. He's been my best friend since I was seventeen.

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