The Arguement

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Plutarch wants me in to do a pregnancy propo at 1600, so I have about ten hours to avoid Chase. In that time, I am virtually everywhere other than where he is. Down with Beetee as he finalizes the weapons that everyone is taking to the Capitol. In the hospital room that Everdeen shares with Johanna.

Everdeen's cracked ribs have been given some drug that speeds up their healing but gives her tons of pain. She's moody, moodier then usual, and by 0800 she and Johanna go to training.

All my youthful, non-pregnant friends are in training (Finnick, Corie, Johanna, Everdeen), so I go find Annie Cresta. I've only met her a few times while I was visiting District 4, but she is nice enough. The Games have screwed her up, like the rest of us.

She's in her and Finnick's compartment. The place is a mess, and I get the idea that any free time those newlyweds get is not spent cleaning.

Annie looks surprised to see me, but smiles anyway. "Hi Alex." She says.

"Hey Annie." I say. "How's everything since getting married?"

She smiles her sweet smile. "Oh it's wonderful. Finnick is so great, and I've just missed him so much." Annie stares off into the distance, but I still speak.

"He is great." I tell her. "He kept me alive in that arena. I can never repay Finnick for that."

Annie snaps back to reality. "Your company you gave him was enough." She says. "I heard you're pregnant. That's exciting-Finnick and I have been talking about having one after this war is over."

I grin. "We can raise our children together if this all works out."

"Should we go to lunch?" She asks. "We can sit together. Finnick's supposed to meet me there. He had training. He has it a lot now that he's going to the Capitol."

We head to the dining hall, where Finnick and Johanna are already seated. Annie slips in next to Finnick, and I go next to Jo. Finnick is happier than I've ever seen him. The thoughts of the Games, the tormented man I knew seems to be housing sunshine. Johanna even seems happier around his happier self. Delly comes to join us, and she sits beside me. We're talking about my baby, when Everdeen and Gale walk up to sit with us. The sit by Delly.

The lunch for today is an appetizing stew for once. Beef, turnips, potatoes, and onions! The broth is something I've only tasted on my Victory Tour in 5. "Is it Coin's birthday or something?" I ask between shoveling stew and a buttery roll into my mouth. "Everyone is happy today."

"New shipments of food from the districts." Gale tells me.

I nod, mostly because I don't want to talk to him.

Finnick has some story about a turtle stealing his hat, and we're all laughing so hard our sides hurt-we scarred Victors are laughing. The mood kind of kills when I notice a figure standing behind Johanna. His eyes are cold. Everdeen almost a spits out her bread as she realizes he's staring at her.

"Peeta!" says Delly. "It's so nice to see you out...and about."

Peeta is flanked by two guards, the ones Delly and I met while he was icing that cake. His wrists are cuffed, which makes it hard to hold his tray.

"What's with the fancy bracelets?" Johanna asks.

"I'm not quite trustworthy yet." Peeta tells her. "I can't even sit here without your permission." He looks at the guards.

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