Bittersweet Pregnancy Moments

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Boggs comes to get me and Chase at seven. He gives me a smile. "I heard you've got a baby in there." He points to my stomach.

I nod, smiling.

"What do you want?" Chase asks, smiling too.

"Coin wanted to talk to you two about this baby. Be prepared, she's having very vengeful thoughts now that you can't go to the Capitol."

I put my hand protectively over my stomach. "You don't think she'd-"

Boggs is quick to reassure me. "No, not a chance."

I sigh, not entirely convinced. I trust Boggs, but can he trust Coin? I don't want my baby harmed because she wants me to fight in this stupid war. Propaganda war, anyway. Chase smiles and wraps an arm around me. "Like she could get past me."

Boggs stops outside the door. "Alex, do you remember when you went in to see Peeta, and you told him you weren't with the rebels?" I nod. "Well, she's beyond angry about that. Tread lightly. Pretend to be extra interested in the cause. Got it?"


We enter Special Defense, and everything goes quiet. Most eyes go to my
stomach, but my friends' eyes lock onto mine.

I scan the room. Coin sits at the head of the table. Plutarch and Fulvia are on her left. Next the them is a bunch of Coin's people. Dalton is sitting happily, and Johanna and Corie are assembled closest to me.

Corie waves Chase and I over. Coin is quick to start the meeting.

"We all know why we're here." She says. "Alexandria Winter has gotten pregnant. We need to decide how to proceed."

I had to hold Chase back to stop him from strangling her.

"How to proceed?" He seethes. "Is that even a question, you sick *bleep*? Alex has our child and we live happily!"

Coin remains her composure. "You, Chase Moore, are not in this. Alex is carrying it, so why you are even here at all-" She glares at Boggs.

"It? Never call my child 'it' again!" Chase exclaims.

"Mr. Moore, Madame President, let's all just calm down here." Plutarch says. He takes a long look at each of them. "I think Miss Winter and the baby should be in our propagandas."

I give him a grateful look.

"I need her ready for the war!" Coin cries.

I glare at her. "I won't fight in your war! I have a child now to take care of! I am not going to tip the scale between losing this war and winning it!"

"Let her head the propoganda program with Fulvia and I." Plutarch says. "I'm sure we can use her pregnancy to our advantage."

Coin thinks this over. Her gray eyebrows furrow together. She looks at Chase. She looks at me. She looks at Plutarch. "Fine." Coin huffs. "She does a propoganda shooting every day. But the stupid boy goes to the Capitol and fights. I want every young and healthy Victor going."

Chase nods. He's been attending training since he got back, so he'll be fine in the Capitol. I hope.

I stick back to thank Plutarch. He stuck up for me.

"Thanks." I tell him.

He embraces me. "I wanted you head of my propoganda department anyway. Fulvia agreed."

Fulvia puts a hand on my stomach. "Take care of this baby."

They hustle out, clearly wanting to eat dinner. I find Haymitch exactly where he always is right before dinner: down in Special Weaponry with Beetee. I bring us each down a tray, feeling incredibly talented. When I reach the door, a guard helps me take the trays in. He's very nice, always around when I visit Beetee.

Haymitch and Beetee are very relaxed when I arrive. Haymitch is laid back in his chair, and Beetee doesn't have his mind occupied with work for once.

"Hey!" I call. "I brought dinner."

Once we're all settled in with our food, I tell them about the meeting. They express their happiness for my pregnancy.

"Are you going to the Capitol?" I ask.

Haymitch laughs. "Coin wants all the young and attractive victors going. So, no. We'll be here."

"You guys get to be my pregnancy advisors!" I exclaim.

They exchange a worried glance. I might actually like this pregnancy thing.

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