The Wonders of District 13

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When we touch down, Everdeen is still sedated. But sadly, Finnick, Haymitch, and I are awake enough to see what awaits us. Dozens of people, all muscly and lanky, await our landing. At the front is the only average sized woman I see. She's slimmer, but not skinny. Her hair is a dull gray, and falls in the straightest line I've ever seen hair fall into. The woman's eyes are also dull and gray. Her expression is solemn.

The woman steps forward. "Welcome to District 13. I am President Coin. The citizens of 13 and I hope you enjoy your stay, and that you do not forget why we are here. To fight, and to take down the tyrannical Capitol!"

The citizens behind her cheer, and then they clear out. Only a few remain behind Coin.

Coin turns to us. "Come with me," sh says. "I'll take you to Command."

Plutarch puts a hand up in our defense. "They should rest, Madame President." He says. "They've had a long couple of weeks. My medical team has taken care of their injuries. If you could just assign them some compartments and have this meeting later..."

"Of course." Coin says, fakely smiling. "Boggs?"

A tall, dark skinned man steps up to us. "Follow me."

He leads Finnick, Haymitch, and I down paths and through tunnels and hallways. District 13 is dungeon-like. The ceilings are low and there are guards at almost every door. Boggs is trying to kindly shake off the people who want to talk to us, and honestly I can't be more grateful.

A woman is just about to embrace me when a guy stops her. "She's been through a lot." He tells her.

"Thanks Dalton." Boggs says.

Dalton is a very short man, probably in his thirties. His hair is golden, almost like Finnick's. He has a boyish face, and a wide grin. Dalton tips an imaginary hat at the four of us. "Anytime, folks!"

My mind is swirling. Beside me, Finnick is shaking. Haymitch is biting his tongue so hard that blood seeps from his lips.

I never even stopped to think about what Haymitch is going through. He only has a fraction of people he cares about. Peeta is in the Capitol suffering, Everdeen is having mental issues, and I'm sure 13 is not big on alcohol. I make a mental note to try and be Haymitch's friend here.

Boggs stops and I see we're in a hallway of compartments on the 13th floor.

"This is basically a private ward." Boggs tells us. "Nobody is on this side of the floor. You have your pick of any room."

He doesn't say it, but I noticed that this hallway is also near the hospital.

I look at the guys, and we all silently agree that we don't want separate rooms. If anyone will understand the frequent nightmares that we get, it's each other.

"Which one has three beds?" I ask Boggs.

He gestures to a compartment in the middle of the hallway. "Take Compartment 265, it's built for three people."

Finnick, Haymitch, and I stagger into the room. It's grey, everything is grey. There's a bed by the door, a bed next to it, and a bed across from it. Beside each bed is a filing cabinet for our possessions, not like we have many.

Boggs is standing in the doorway. "Enjoy the rest of today." He says. "I'll be here tomorrow at dawn to take you to Command, where you're briefed on everything here in 13."

Then he turns on his heel and walks away.

Finnick chooses the bed by the door, and I take the one a bit to its left. Haymitch is across from us, but I think he likes it better that way.

Haymitch sits on his bed, and Finnick and I sit on ours.

"I need alcohol." Haymitch says, lying on his back.

"I need a rope." Finnick says, mimicking Haymitch's tone.

I look between the two and try to decide on my therapy weapon. Nothing.

"I don't think they'll allow alcohol here." I tell Haymitch.

We end up pushing all the beds together to make a large one. I put my head on Finnick's lap, and Haymitch puts his head on my lap. We are all super tense, and dazed as well. I haven't noticed it until now, but each of our voices are dreamy and out of it.

Haymitch breaks the initial silence. "I used to sleep with a knife," he says dreamily. "I wonder if they'll give me one here."

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