Peeta's Interview

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After breakfast, I am scheduled for cleanup, so I make myself scarce. Finnick and Haymitch say they're going back to our compartment.

I wander around until I bump into Dalton, the man from 10 we ran into as we entered District 13.

"Sorry." I say.

He smirks. His smirk is boyish, just like his face. "You'll have to get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness."

I roll my eyes.

"Life getting you down?" Dalton asks, leading me into an abandoned hallway.

I nod. "Coin, lack of friends, everything."

He nods. "I know the feeling."

I'm about to ask how he knows the feeling, but a tall and strong man enters the hallway. "Coin needs you in Command, Soldier Winter."

Gale Hawthorne. I still haven't forgiven him for saying those things about Lilyanna, even though I know how irrational it is.

"Why?" I ask impatiently. "Soldier Hawthorne?" I put a large amount of spiteful mocking in the name.

Gale rolls his eyes. "I don't know, just come on." He grabs my arm and pulls me up. Then he proceeds to drag me through the halls.

I'm yelling curse words in his face, and kicking and biting and scratching him in any place I can reach.

I look like a toddler going in for an injection to the citizens of 13. But I do not want to face whatever Coin has in store for me in Command. And having Gale Hawthorne drag me down the hallways to get there is not how I'd like to go down.

Once we reach Command, Gale shoves me through the door.

I slap his hand away and scan the room for people I don't detest.

Coin is standing this time, by a monitor. Boggs sits across from her, and Plutarch and Fulvia by him. Everdeen sits away from everyone, staring off into space.

"Where's Finnick?" I demand. "And Haymitch? Why am I here and not them?"

"Soldier Odair is still sedated in the hospital. He had a panic attack this morning and was sent there. Soldier Abernathy has decided he is too weak to face this." Coin says, talking about Haymitch with disgust.

"Just explain to me why I'm here." I tell her angrily, because frankly, I'm about to rip her head off.

Plutarch smiles, and replies, "This." I see he's pointing to the TV.

It's a Capitol broadcast, and my old pal Caesar Flickerman is on the screen. He's got a guest, and under all that makeup I see that the guest is Peeta Mellark.

Everdeen does sort of a choked yelp, her eyes fixated intently on the screen.

Peeta looks well, polished and refined. He's sitting delicately in a plush chair, identical to the one Caesar is in. His face is serious, and I feel like a lot is going to happen in this five-minute interview.

"So... Peeta... Welcome back." Caesar says.

Peeta gives a grim smile. "I bet you thought you'd done your last interview with me, Caesar." His voice is calm, not ragged or damaged.

He's unharmed. Is Lilyanna unharmed? And Johanna?

"I confess, I did." says Caesar. "The night before the Quarter Quell... well, who would have ever thought we'd see you again?"

Peeta frowns. "It wasn't part of my plan, that's for sure."

Caesar gives him a look of pity. "I think it was clear to all of us as to what your plan was, Peeta. To sacrifice yourself in the arena so that Katniss Everdeen and your child could survive."

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