The Baby and Me, Propo 1, Take 10,000

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At 1600 that night, I take Lilyanna with me to shoot the propo. She is not oblivious to the fact that Chase and I had a fight, and wants answers. I tell her I was mad that he couldn't control himself, but we made up earlier today. She seems satisfied enough.

Plutarch is overjoyed to see Lilyanna. "You'll be a valuable addition today, young lady." He says.

Fulvia films us with Cressida's backup camera. I explain to the world that I'm pregnant with Chase Moore's child, and talk about how happy I am that the child will be born. Lilyanna says she's happy to become a big sister and cracks a few jokes.

Plutarch and Fulvia congratulate us, and we head off to bed. Chase is inside our compartment sitting on the bed. "I got accepted to go to the Capitol today." He says. "You were right, Alex. They're sticking me with a 'Star Squad'. I'll be doing nothing but smiling for the cameras."

"But you're going." Lilyanna clarifies.

He nods. "I've gotta be there, being useful even if it's not much useful at all."

"When do you leave?" I ask.

Chase sighs. "Tomorrow."

Lilyanna runs to hug him, and I follow her. Our broken little family embraces each other, and I remember how far we've come together. We all sleep in one bed that night. Chase puts both his arms around me, and I hold Lilyanna's hand.


At 0400 the next morning, Haymitch barges in and tells us that Johanna is back in the hospital. Chase and Lilyanna stay in bed, while I go to visit her.

"What happened?" I ask Haymitch.

He rubs his temples. "Ah, she went to the Block today-it's some training course that targets your weaknesses. They flooded the street because she's afraid of water. Ever since the Capitol tortured her with electric shocks under water., she hasn't been able to go near it. Anyway, Johanna had a flashback and freaked out."

I sigh. Now Jo can't go to the Capitol. She'll be devastated.

Haymitch pushes open the door to her room, where she is fighting with a doctor.

"Just give me the painkillers!" Johanna moans. "You have no idea how much my body hurts! No f*****g idea!"

The doctor shakes her head. "I'm sorry Johanna, but you need to heal naturally, and we don't want you getting attached to these painkillers." The doctor leaves before Jo can protest anymore.

"Hey brainless." I say lightly.

She moans in reply. "Did you hear I can't go?" She asks quietly as Haymitch slips out. "They won't let me go."

Johanna's voice is broken, and I realize everything has gone wrong for her since she was reaped. Most Victors have some good days, but Johanna's hardships outweigh mosts'. She was reaped, survived the Games, got all her family killed when she refused to be a prostitute, was reaped again, got tortured in the Capitol, was sent to 13 where she got addicted to morphling, and now can't go help destroy the one person who caused her all is pain.

"I know." I say.

She picks up the applesauce they've given her and throws it at the wall. Johanna's strength in the second Games would've made the container crack and break against the wall. The applesauce doesn't even make it to the wall today.

Angry tears charge down Johanna's face. "I just hate everything about my life, Alex. The only reason I haven't killed myself yet, is because I want to see him suffer. If I have to cut off my arm and leg, I will just to see the light leave his eyes."

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