See You Later

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My friends head out at 0200 that morning. Haymitch, Lilyanna, and I go to see them off. Johanna couldn't come because she's still in the hospital.

Haymitch shakes Corie's hand, and she smiles weakly. Corie turns to me and hugs me. "Goodbye, Alex. Thanks for being my friend." It's the most traditional of goodbyes, but it works for us. Corie goes to board the hovercraft.

While Haymitch is hugging Everdeen, I turn to Finnick. "Help Annie out, will you?" He says. "Please?"

I nod. "Come back."

Finnick hugs me and smirks. "I'm planning on it, Lexie."

I look at Chase. He opens his arms wide, and I run into them. Chase puts his forehead into mine. "Just in case I don't make it back...." He says. "What do you wanna name our baby?"

"You will make it back." I whisper.

He shakes his head. "We've still gotta talk about it."

I sigh. "I wanna name the baby after our friends."

Chase nods. "I like Sammie or Chase Jr. for a boy, and Maya or Roxie for a girl."

"Okay." I whisper. "But you better be here to help me decide."

"I can't promise that."

My eyes are filling up with tears. "Then just say it to make me feel better."

Chase pulls apart. He looks me in the eyes. "Alexandria Winter, I will be here to help you decide the name of our baby."

"How do you know?" I ask.

He grins. "Have I ever lied to you, Alex?"

No. Not in a multitude of time spent together and many opportunities.

Chase glances at Lilyanna, who's comforting a crying mother. "We did good by her." He says.

"I know."

Chase kisses me one more long time. "I love you, Alex." He says. "I guess I'll.... see you later."

I nod firmly, tears flowing out of my eyes. He smiles and turns to go. "Don't you dare die!" I yell after him. Chase mock salutes mr, and his big frame disappears into the hovercraft.

Everdeen approaches me. "Thanks for keeping me alive." She says. "I know you don't like me."

"You're not that bad." I tell her. I look at the hovercraft, with Chase still in it. "Take care of him."

She nods. "I owe it to you."

I smile. "Thanks." I say. "Katniss."

Everdeen throws me the slightest of grins, then goes onto the hovercraft.

The doors close, and it lifts up. I put one arm around Haymitch, and one arm around Lilyanna. I'm crying madly. "See you later." I whisper.

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