26. Muggles! {CLOSED}

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- Rick Grimes

- Rick Grimes_______________________________________

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You stopped in your tracks.

"Y/N? Why did you stop?!" Jin shouted, seeing the zombies slowly lose interest from Marie and Sako as they returned back to scavenging for humans.

"...I'm sorry, Jin" and with that, you yanked your arm away from the soldier and ran towards a still Namjoon.


"Namjoon!" You grabbed his hand and gained his attention.

"What are you doing? You should get out of here" the doctor was confused as to why you were even still here.

"You have to come back with us! If not for yourself, then for your sister!" Suddenly, something clicked within him.

"...Jia..." instead of the lost look he had on his face, it was replaced with determination and the will to live.

You smiled at his answer and proceeded to grab his hand to drag him back but he could not move since something had grabbed his leg.

"Gah!" Looking back, you saw that it was one of the zombies that had been downed by Jin but not completely killed.

Eyes widening in pure terror, you tried to pull Namjoon away but the force coming from the zombie was far superior.

"...just leave me be! Save yourself!-" the doctor was cut off by not feeling the zombie hold on to him no more and resulted to stumbling forward but thanks to you, you had managed to catch him in time.

Looking up to see what had happened you saw none other than Jungkook standing there with his spiky bat in hand.

The zombie's head was completely bashed in and the biker was covered in blood.

Not his you assumed.

His eyes pierced right through yours and after a moment of silence, he finally averted his gaze.

"Get out of here. I can sort the rest of these" without waiting for your response, he reached up to his hair and tied it in to a small bun with an elastic band before grabbing his bat and swinging it on his blood stained leather coat and began walking over to the oncoming zombies.


"They're coming! Let's go!" Namjoon grabbed you and dragged you towards the entryway where Jin was, ready to close the door behind you.

Having no choice but to be taken away, you couldn't help but look back to see Jungkook swinging his bat round at the zombies and killing them off one by one.

"Quick! Get in!" The soldier beckoned, moving out of the way for you and Namjoon to jump through to which you did without a hitch.

"Jungkook! Leg it!" The rider perked his ears up at the mention of his name and realised it was time for him to fall back.

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