21. The Only One Left {CLOSED}

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"What's the best kind of food in apocalypse?"

- Clucky


Grunting in defeat, you decided that it was best to get your arm sorted out

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Grunting in defeat, you decided that it was best to get your arm sorted out.

Afterall, you were going to need everything you got to get out of here as well as saving everyone else.

The mysterious person will have to wait.

Glaring at Helena through your lashes, you grabbed her free hand with your uninjured one and was able to get to your feet.

The one armed survivor felt a slight sense of accomplishment, thinking that perhaps you had began to trust her a little.

"Let's go" the dog immediately knew to go on ahead and wait for you outside, barking at you to follow her right away.

Confused, you looked over at Helena to see that she was waiting for you to do as Choo says.

...is she making me follow this dog?

Shaking your head to rid of the thoughts, you knew it would be a waste of time to try and figure them out as this place was already strange as it is. With that final thought, you began your journey to the hospital with the dog leading you upfront and Helena behind you making sure you don't run off.

You were able to take in more of the place and if it weren't for the fact that you knew they were heartless murderers, this place seemed really nice.

Your eyes trailed over to the gardens to see Jimin feeding a free roaming brown horse a fresh apple. His smile was stretching wide as he petted the magnificent animal and it seemed as though the horse like him back as it tickled Jimin's neck.

Soon after, another horse with white fur came over to the blonde male in request of food too. It wasn't long for both horses to tickle him for more apples.

Your eyes softened at the sight and unfortunately, you couldn't see him anymore as a building got in the way, making you turn to your left to see more of the place.

The training grounds came in to view with Gahyeon's people dueling eachother.

One of which was Jin who looked to be trusted with teaching them how to use the special guns they stole.

Even though he was beat up not that long ago, he looked to be going along with their orders. It only made sense that he was going with the plan.


Hyunjin was nowhere to be seen and you could only imagine the worst for him with the way Gahyeon treated him before. There seems to be more to the assassin than that meets the eye.

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