16. People Of Hannam {CLOSED}

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"I really hope I don't become a zombie... I mean, think about all the walking ill do!"


Biting your lip, you looked over at Yuri in Jimin's arms before sighing and speaking up

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Biting your lip, you looked over at Yuri in Jimin's arms before sighing and speaking up.

"...I think we should trust him"

"What?! Are you crazy?" Jin yelled, gobsmacked at your words.

"There can only be one crazy person in this group and thats me" Hoseok clarified for everyone with all seriousness, making Jungkook tilt his head in confusion as he wondered if such a person like him actually existed.

After a moment of awkward silence, you continued to explain why.

"I can't feed Yuri anymore since the medication is back at the bunker which is now infested with zombies and her safety is my priority" you were going to keep your promise to Yoongi until the very end, his death will not be for nothing.

"Top priority? What happened to saving the country? There's no point in keeping the baby safe if the world is never going to be safe" the eldest stated with certainty while crossing his arms in disbelief.

Jungkook clicked his tongue in annoyance after hearing that Jin was still talking about saving the country.

"How can you save the country with no cure?" Jin opened his mouth to retaliate but found himself loss for words as he didn't know the answer to that.

"...we'll find the cure. What ever it takes... even if it does mean that I'll have to do it alone" you felt Jin's glare pierce right through you, clearly not happy with the decision you have made.

On the other hand, Hoseok looked ecstatic.

"I'm with Y/N! I mean, this guy set a whole cult on fire! He can totally be an asset to the Power Rangers!" Everyone, even Jimin surprisingly, looked over at the lunatic and couldn't help but become beyond confused at his words.

"Power rangers?"

"Yeah! Dibs on being the Pink one!" Shaking your head, you looked back at the group and tried to reason with Jin.

"We can't just stay here, there's zombies everywhere and certainly not enough food for everyone since we lost the bunker" everyone stayed silent as they tried to take in your words.

The stranger was watching everyone with cautious eyes and wondered what they'll do to him if they don't decide to trust him.

"...the place I'm going to is the lab. I'm sure you will get everything that you need there. If we go now, we might make it by tomorrow morning" a whole day's trip. Not only that, but it's also an over night trip.

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