18. Cherry Scented Candle {CLOSED}

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"If it's the end of the world... then does that mean backstreet boys won't ever be back?!"

- Anonymous

- Anonymous_______________________________________

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"...if you hurt Yuri-"

"Wow. You're leaving your baby just like that? Tch, already failing as a mother" your jaw clenched at her words but you knew that if one wrong word would to slip out, it would make every thing much worse.

You watched as Gahyeon grabbed the crying baby roughly and grimaced at the sight of it before handing it back to one of her men.

"You know who to take it to. Good luck, Y/N. You better be alive when I come back for your baby's sake- oh, I almost forgot" she reached in to her pocket and swiftly took out a small dagger before placing it on the ground and kicking it towards you.

Before it could make contact with you, your hands immediately grabbed it and you could only look at it in confusion.

"Thats for if he turns in to a Lurker. Come on, let's head back before we lose light" her people obeyed her orders as they left you and Hoseok behind and joined their leader.

The sight of them walking towards the large city with the sun setting in the distance, you had hoped that you picked the right choice. For Yuri and everyone's sake.

The sound of someone coughing caught your attention, making you stretch your neck to see Hoseok doubling over before leaning against the metal beam of the red bridge.

"Hoseok!" You called out while staggering up to your feet to run over to him.

He looked pale and definitely in need of some help.

Your eyes scanned his body and stopped at the bite on his arm.

It looked like whoever or whatever bit him, struggled really hard as it wasn't a clean bite.

It could be an animal... but it could also be a zombie.

"...why didn't you tell us?" The lunatic coughed once more before glaring up at you.

"To stop exactly this from happening. You guys wouldn't have believed me and left me to die-"

"So instead, you keep it to yourself and get sick?" The other rolled his eyes before getting comfortable where he laid.

"I heard your conversation with the assassin. Who knows if you trust his words more than me" you furrowed your brows at this.

"I stayed, didn't I? I couldn't leave you out here- I trust that you're not lying to me" your words hit him hard as he realised that you did indeed stay with him when you could have left with the others.

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