Broken Heart

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Niall's POV

We all sat around looking like helpless distressed puppies. Yes, we had tried to go after Nina, but Phoebe is one strong and fast girl. She somehow managed to take our keys and hide them. Then she chased after all five of us as we ran down the road to follow Nina's car. She also managed to tie us all up to chairs. Well our girlfriends helped her, they turned to the dark side.

So right now we are lined up in the living room tied to chairs while the girls watch some television show. Yes, we had tried to escape. But it's harder than it looks in the movies. Like seriously, we are all wishing Liam had his batman costume right now. It would be so helpful.

There was a slow car that pulled up and everyone's heads snapped to the front door. That has got to be Nina. Who else would it be? The girls turned off the TV and Phoebe slowly walked towards the door awaiting her friends arrival. The car door slammed and we all could tell that she probably wasn't in the mood to talk right now. She stomped up the steps and whipped open the door. We all stared at her in surprise but she didn't even look at us.

She was looking at the floor and she turned her back to close the door firmly. No one said anything and she just stood there at the door frozen with her back to us and her face up against the door. She seemed to be frozen until her shoulders started to shake slightly. I think she was crying.

Damn it, untie me someone. She turned around slowly with her face turned upright this time. We all still hadn't moved. Her eyes were red and you could see sadness in the depths of them. She sniffled and hiccuped, "He was with Rose." Her voice sounded weak and broken as she took her phone out of her pocket and slowly held it out to Phoebe.

Phoebe took the phone but didn't look at it, but rather she watched as her friend ran off towards her room. As if time started again, all of us boys started to hop and shuffle to try and get out of our restraints. Phoebe started to look through Nina's phone. She gasped which made us all stop moving once again and dropped the phone before running after Nina.

"Let us go!" I yelled to no one in particular. Louis fell over in his chair and his face was smooshed up against the floor. In any normal situation I would have laughed. But this was not the time for laughing. Harry somehow did a full 360 in his chair and fell back hitting his head on the couch before landing on the floor. Okay, that was kinda funny.

I heard the chair beneath me creak and I actually pulled one of the legs off which sent me tumbling to the floor to join my friends. Demi ran over to while she was slightly chuckling, "Are you okay?"

I let out a frustrated sigh as she pulled the chair back up and put the leg back on. We really weren't going to get out of this anytime soon. A pale Phoebe came out and we all froze once again, "Phoebe," I said calmly. "She needs double chocolate chip muffins and a strawberry banana smoothie before she gets to stage two."

Everyone gave me that look asking what planet I was from. I simply shrugged, "The same thing happened when she was five and her dog died and when she was ten and her grandfather past away. She was in Ireland both times with me."

Phoebe blinked a few times before looking at Demi, "Untie him, he can give her the food before she goes all Jackie Chan on our asses."

Stage two. I call it the Hulk stage. Stage one is the waterworks stage. If she manages to get to stage two then we better head for the hill's. Demi looked sceptical but untied me as fast as she could. I bolted upright and ran into the kitchen. I grabbed everything I needed and got to work. In about 20 minutes, and a few taste tests later, I was standing outside Nina's bedroom door.

I could hear her crying and it partially broke me inside. I'm going to kill that bastard. I knocked on the door before entering. She was curled up in the corner of her room with her makeup running down her face. She had thrown off her shoes because they were across the room and she just in general looked broken. "Nina," I said softly. "I come bearing gifts."

She turned her face away from me, "I don't want any pity. I'm fine."

I rolled my eyes and sat down beside her. Sometimes she can be a real child. "Bullshit Nina, you are not fine." She looked at me for a milli-second before she buried her face in my chest. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. All she really needs is someone to cry on then she will be fine.

With my free hand I picked up the chocolate muffin that I managed to find in her kitchen and held it in front of her face. "Now take the muffin and eat it before I do," This made her laugh. At least the tears had stopped.

"How about we share it?" She smiled up at me. I watched as she ripped it in half and handed the smaller half to me.

I chuckled and raised my eye brow at her, "Really?"

She smiled triumphantly at me, "I'm the one who needs it. You're just always hungry." I started to laugh and she joined in too. We both knew how true that statement was.

To clear things up, for this story they all have girlfriends yes. I only did that or else the story wouldn't work. So in order for what I want to happen, they all have to have girlfriends. So sorry. Anyways, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!! :D

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