Spoiled Rotten

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We were all seated around the living room and each of us had our phones out. We had no clue where our parents were, but we honestly didn't care at the moment. Yesterday I told the guys that their girlfriends could come out and stay in our guest house. Yea, we have a guest house. And now we are just waiting for them to get here. I'm absolutely positive that the guys are all texting their girlfriends who are in a helicopter right now. Driving just takes too long aparently. Phoebe was listening to music, no dought picking the song for this week. I don't have a clue how I'm going to record it tomorrow without anyone finding out. We might have to kick them out of the house, oh well. You do whatcha go to go.

I spent this much needed free time on Twitter. I've sadly been neglecting it more than I should have. On my phone I tweeted, "How would you guys like a new chapter today? xKSx" My writing is greatly behind because of the finals. I really should be paying more attention to it like I promised. After I had sent the tweet I heard the boys phones beep. Even Phoebe's went off.

"Ooo!!! Twitter notification!!!" Niall's face broke out into a full on smile, "Kailee wants to know if we want a new chapter today. Well I say HELL YES!!!" We all laughed as we realized Niall was talking to himself. Phoebe smiled evily at me and I just shrugged in return. I told her that they were big fans and she almost fainted. It was amusing to watch.

So I guess I'm writing a new chapter. This is going to take a while... I pulled out my iPad and opened a new document, yes theres an app for that, and started to work on my newest story, 'Four Leaf Clover.' Everyone seemed to like it the best so far. No one noticed me typing away, which I was internally grateful for. After an hour of just sitting there Louis stood up, "I'm so bored. When are the girls supposed to be getting here?"

I looked up at the clock, "We still have an hour and a half left." I saved my work, which only had about three more pages until I was done, and put the iPad back where it belonged. "What do you what to do?" I asked him as I stood up and dusted of my clothes.

"Can we like, swim or something?" Zayn said after a moment of silence. 

I turned to Phoebe with a full smile printed on my face. She smiled back knowing exactly what I was thinking. We both smiled at the boys who looked genuinely scared. "Let's go to the Valley Of The Five Lakes!" I said with so much excitement that I'm sure I scared them even more. "I'll give you ten minutes to be ready and in the truck or I leave without you." Without another word to the people in the room, Phoebe and I ran towards my room at full speed.

This was going to be so much fun. (PS This place actually exsists. I've been there once and its amazing!!! Google it :D http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1253/857741146_6bb85d6bd4_z.jpg I actually swam in this one :D)


"Wow, that was actually fun," Harry commented as we walked into my house. Him and Louis plopped down onto the couch, Zayn headed into his and Niall's bedroom, probably to shower, and Liam and Niall dissapeared into the kitchen. The girls would be here any minute now so Phoebe and I decided to change. We wanted to make a good first impression on the girlfriends of One Direction.

After I had changed, I went back to writing on my laptop. I was done in the time it took Phoebe to change. I'm a fast typer alright! I didn't edit it, so I put a little note at the top before posting it. After that, I did the usual rounds. Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, anything else you can think of? Pretty much everything. I didn't have time to see any of the replies because the door bell rang. I ran to get the door before anyone else did, but the boys happened to be nowhere in sight...

"Hello," I smiled at the bodyguards on the other side of my door.

"Are you Nina Hunter?" He asked in his deep 'scary' voice.

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