I'm Caught

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Phoebe and I didn't go on the Sleigh ride. They offered to bring us along, but we did want to feel like those akward third wheeler kind of people So instead we stayed back and made supper. For some reason my parents disapeared again. Why do they do that to me? I thought about going and finding them, but soon voted against it. Plus, Phoebe and I were happily cooking tacos.

The door opened and closed from my dads office and him, my mom and Maura came in with serious expressions written all over their faces. Well, at least I found them. "Nina," My dad sighed and I turned my full attention to him. "We are going on a trip."

"Cool! Where?" I smiled as I went back to stiring the ground beef on the pan.

"Well, we are going to Flordia for the rest of the month. And when I say we I mean your mom, Maura and I." Oh, now I see.

I smiled at him, "Really? That's great."

He frowned, "We are leaving the boys in charge of you and Phoebe. I expect you to be more mature than them like the daughter I raised you to be." 

I nodded in understanding, "Sure thing." This was going to be so much fun! We get to spend the rest of the week with the girls then the rest of the month with the guys! So extited about this summer. I already can tell its going to be the best summer ever.

"Well we've already packed our things, we leave after supper." My mom came over and hugged me, "You better not burn the house down." She pointed her finger at me, "No parties. Got. It?" I gulped and nodded my head. But it wasn't me she needed to worry about with the parties. I'm quite popular, but I'm not a party person. Plus, theres not a big group of people in town that parties. Were actually quite boring.

Whenever we want to celebrate something we all go to the campground and have a campfire there to celebrate. It's like a tradition in this town.

Supper was soon layed on the table and everyone came back from the sleigh ride just in time to eat. Niall was of course the first on at the table and the first one eating, some things just never change. The conversation was nice until I started to clean up and my dad anounce the news to everyone else about their trip. The guys were really excited but the girls seemed to be caught off guard a little. Oh, they may think I'm after their boyfriends, well that's obviously not the case here.

Haha, not the case. Chase. Get it? Oh nevermind.


We all settled into the theater int the guest house's basement after the adults had left. I texted Chase and Ethan (Phoebe's boyfriend) to see if they wanted to come over to watch a movie with us and luckily they were allowed. Honestly, I just felt super left out and I could tell Phoebe felt that way too. Her and Ethan have been going out for a year now. Him and Chase are best friends. That's how they got Chase and I together.

I let everyone else pick out a movie while I waited fot the two surprise guests. Phoebe doesn't know that they are coming. Surepise fo her mostly because he though she was still in the states. They came around to the back of the house and I literaly jumped onto Chase. It's only been like three days, but I'm so used to seeing him everyday it feels weird to not see him.

After our little hug session, or whatever it was, we headed into the theater hand in hand with Ethan a little behind us. We were really going to surprise Phoebe now. I walked down the stairs and slowly let go of Chase's hand which he in turn put it arounf my waist, "Hey guys we have a couple extra's if that's alrigth with you?"

Everyone looked up from the movie selection and smiled, "Hi." Chase smiled at them and waved.

"Okay, do you need introductions?" I asked Chase, He nodded his head. "Chase this is Danielle, Eleanor, Perrie, Taylor and Demi." I smiled and pointed to each of the girls. "Ladies, this is my boyfriend Chase."

They all smiled and waved while saying their hello's. They also seemed to relax a bit. Wow, that's reassuring. Phoebe sat in the back of the theater with a frown imprinted onto her face, "What's wrong Bee?" I asked her using the nickname Ethan had came up with for her. Her frown deeped and she mumbled something that I didn't quite catch. "Do you really think I'm that much conceded that I would forget about Ethan?" I raised my eye brow at her.

Ethan walked in through the door and smiled at her. Her eyes widened and she froze for like a millisecod before jumping over the seats and throwing herself into his open arms. I laughed, "Now that everyone is happy, what movie have we chosen?" 

"The Decent," Harry smirked evily. Damn I hate that movie. Those creepy creatures in the caves that remind me of theat one dude off of The Lord Of The Rings who always says 'My precious'. They creep me out, but her that's what Chase is here for after all. Plus I hate how all the girls can just so easily kill their friends. It sends shivers down my spine.


The next day everyone as out and about. Out and a bout. Canadian style!!! haha nevermind. Anyways, it was just Phoebe and I so we were going to record the next video a bit early because we didn't know when we would have another day to do it. So I dressed in white jeans and a light green baggy t-shirt. I put on a neckalace that was a little owl and crimped my hair. I didn't need any makeup because no one will see my face, so I didn't put any on.

I made my way down into the basement where Phoebe should have already set everything up. She's a great help with this kind of stuff. I got inside the room and she handed me a bottle of water. I took a couple sips of it and sat in my chair, "So whats the song today?"

She smiled evily, "Well... since we have such nice house guests. I thought we could do one of their songs." Oh god, please help me.

"Which house guest are you talking about? We have One Direction, Taylor Swift, Demi Lavato and a member of Little Mix. Please pick one."

She rolled her eyes, "A One Direction song obviously. You're going to sing and play Little Things on your light brown acoustic." She handed me the guitar and I started to stum it lightly and hum the lyrics as she agusted the camera.

We were all ready and were prepared to start filming when there was a knock on the door, "Nina? Phoebe? Are you in there?"

Shit. "Who is it?" I yelled back. I couldn't move. I was frozen in place as they started to open the door. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm caught.

OOoooo!!!! Please tell me what you all think of this story!!! I would love to hear your opinions :D

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