Bad Butterfly's

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Back at my house all the guys went back to their big pile of fan mail and Niall helped me carry the box of my fan mail into my basement. We put it in the room that I film my videos in. You can't tell that its the same room. The whole thing is empty right now. The far wall from the door has a bunch of letters all over it from the different charities I helped. But its not really a wall. It gets pulled down onto the floor and becomes the hard wook floor in my videos. The wall behind it, the real wall, has a bunch of letters that I have gotten from my fans, and that's the background I have in my videos.

My chair I sit on and all my guitars are in the locked closet on the left side of the room. I keep the key with me all the time on my key chain with my car keys and house key. When I first showed Pheobe the wall and the locked closet, she almost fainted because this is the room we always have sleepovers in and she had no idea that the wall could turn into a floor.

"Thanks for helping me Niall," I smiled as he set the box down.

He shrugged, "It wasn't hard. After all I have all these muscles that help." I laughed as he flexed in various different ways.

"Wow, you don't have to point out that your stronger than me," I crossed my arms over my chest and pretended to pout. Whenever I did this when we were younger he always gave me whatever I  wanted. I always won with him.

He pulled me into a hug and started rocking back and forth, "It's not my fault." I heard the smile in his voice, "I am Niall Horan after all."

I hit his chest and laughed at him, "Being famous doesn't mean anything to me." Little does he know that I'm pretty much as famous as him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and enjoyed being close to him as he laughed at me. Why am I feeling this way with him? It doesn't mean anything right? These are bad butterfly's I'm feeling right now. I have a boy friend and Niall has a girl friend. This is just a hug between two friends.

Niall sighed deeply and pulled away from me, "I'm quite hungry right now."

I laughed at him even though I wish the hug didn't have to end, "You just ate not to long ago." He shrugged and smiled before walking away and I heard his foot steps going up the stairs till he go into the kitchen with the rest of the boys. I took in a deep breath and lightly smacked my cheeks a few times, "Snap out of it Nina. You cannot feel this way."

Why me?


"Okay," Louis put his finger on his chin and looked up at the celing as he thought of a question. "Nina, what is your biggest fear?"

What is my biggest fear? That's a hard one. "Um, well I'm afraid of the ocean." I nodded, yea thats good enough, but it is true. The boys all gave me questioning glances. They abviously wanted me to explain. "I hate sea weed and I always think I'm going to step on some sea creature like a jelly fish or something. It's the same thing with lakes just I don't want to hit the mucky bottum."

"I never knew that about you, "Niall said with his eye brows raised.

I shrugged, "I guess it just never came up."

"Are you kids ready to go?" My dad yelled from the front entry way.

"Coming!" I yelled back before grabbing a hoody and following the boys to the front door and out into the slightly cool summer air. The sun was staring to disapear behind the mountians so the air was about to get really chilly. We were going to the campground to go have a campfire. Locals are allowed to do it all the time.

I drove there because I knew everyone else was going to get drunk, including my parents. We took the truck and the five boys sat in the back while the adults sat in the cab with me. We had the music blarring and all the windows rolled down. It takes us a longer time to get to the campground because its further away.

By the time we got there the sun was still up but we could hardly see it because of the stupid mountian in the way. My dad started a fire and the boys help. I help my mom and Maura get all the food out and ready for everyone to eat. I think I'm the only one not drinking tonight aswell.

We all sat around the campfire with the adults pouring drinks for everyone who wanted them. I sat on the end of the log with Niall to my left. It was a ll too peaceful. Well except for the parents, they were so loud. But they went off somewhrere, no idea where they went. We could still here them, so it was fine. "Niall, what are you afaid of?" I asked in a quiet voice. It had been bugging me the whole ride here. I didn't want to admit it, but the only stuff I really knew about Niall is what the directioner side has found out.

He looked confused for a moment before taking on a more serious face."I'm afraid of brids..." He said slowly. I pursed my lips to stop myself from laughing. He looked at me so I cleared my throat and nodded for him to continue."I can't stand them after one once flew in through my bathroom window and went for me while I was having a wee." 

 I raised my eye brow at him, "Why was your bathroom window open?"

"Because it wanted to be!" He gave me a 'duh' look before smiling and wrapping his arm around my waist. I chuckled as all the guys grabbed some beers, well except for Liam. At least he's on my side tonight. 

I listened as Louis told this dramatic story of this super carrot and how it saved all of New York from distruction. It's actually quite an amazing story , until Niall apparently ate it. Oh well. Niall just likes to eat. The carrot schouldn't have been anywhere near him in the first place.

My phone buzzed and I took it out of my pocket. I didn't even look at the caller ID before answering it. "Hello?

I heard a few sniffles on the other side of the phone, "Nina, my parents kicked me out again."

"What?" I screached before standing up. Niall's arm dropped from around my choulders as he looked at me with a worried face. "Where are you?"

She sniffled a few times, "They said that they hated me. I only had enough time to pack a backpack before my dad slapped me." I heard her sob, "He actually hit me this time." She sobbed a few more times.

"Phoebe, where are you? I'm coming to get you right now." I turned to walk away but Niall grabbed my arm. I stopped and glarred at him as I heard my friend crying in the background. "I'll bring you some timmies." I practicly begged at her through the phone.

"No, it's fine." She sniffled, obviously starting to straghten her self up. "I'll just walk to you're house."

I sighed deeply, "I'm not at home right now. Now answer my damn question!"

"I'm sitting near the bus station at the gas station," I heard her cough.

"I'm coming right now!" I told her before hanging up the phone and trying to run away, but Niall had my wrist still. "Niall, I'll be right back."

"Where are you going? Who was on the phone?" He looked frantic and really wanted some answers. Should I tell him? Well when I bring her here, they are going to want to know why she was crying. Damn, she's going to kill me.

My drunken parents came out from the bush with Maura in tow. "Mom!" She turned to look at me, "Pheobe's parents kicked her out again!" She gave me a worried expression and nodded her head. Niall let go of me and gave em a blank expression. I felt kinda bad for leaving him right now. I also didn't want him to let go of me so easily. Snap out of it Nina. You have Chase. "I promise I'll be back as soon as I can" I gave him a smile and bolted as fast as I could across the feild towards the truck.

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