My Boyfriend

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I woke up the next morning to the song Eye Of The Tiger blasting from my phone. I searched with my hand to find it on my night stand for a couple seconds before I found it. I hit the talk button and said hello into it. My first morning thought was who could be calling me this early? My second thought was how early is it really?

"Nina? Is that you?" The male voice said on the other line.

"Um, yes? Who is this?" I asked sitting up straight.

He chuckled lightly, "You haven't seen me in two days and you've already forgotten about me? I'm hurt Nina."

Then it clicked. Eye Of The Tiger. "I'm sorry Chase. I just woke up."

"You just woke up?" He said with a anoyed voice, "Its almost noon. You never sleep in this late."

I quickly looked at my clock, "Shit. It is almost noon." I sighed and rubbed my eyes, "I'm sorry I had a late night last night. We have guests staying at our house."

"Who? Do I know them? Are they guys?" He asked the last question with a 'scary' voice that wasn't very scary at all.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you who they are and they all have girl friends so your good. Don't worry my parents and one of their moms is here."

I could here him huff on the other side, "Fine. Well I'll be picking you up at 1:30 for our park date." Oh yes, our park date. I almost forgot about that. "See you then."

"See you." Then I ended the call as fast as I could. Two hours to get ready.

Reluctantly I got out of bed. I didn't really want to, but I have to do it sooner or later. Plus all my fans are probably wondering whta has happened to me by now. Might want to reassure them that I'm not dead. I tweeted because that's usually what everyone checks. "Just woke up XP Still living and breathing!!! Don't worry bout me. xKSx" the 'xKSx' Is my signature so they all know its me. Just something I kinda picked up last year when I started to get really popular.

I slipped on some light blue jean short-shorts and a baggy yellow top that has a bubble bee on the front of it. I brushed out my hair in my bathroom and let it fall down around my shoulders. Maybe I'll straighten it. But first... food. I skipped out of my room and into the kitchen. I didn't see anyone else in the house yet so I made myself some eggo waffles in the toaster. I love the toaster. Its my best friend.

My phone started to beep in my pocket and I took it out to see that my one tweet had 607 RT's and 1023 reply's. Wow. I quickly scroled down the reply's and saw things along the lines of "Thank god we were getting worried" Or "Yay! She's back!" And "The Queen has awakened!!!" The last one was my favorite. So, I added that one to my favoriets and RT'ed it. I spend more time on Twitter than any other website.

I sat down at our kitchen island and ate my food while looking throught some of my mentions. After I was done I cleaned up after myself and went through my Tumblr on my phone. Tumblr comes to a close second after Twitter. Some of the things on there are jsut the best.

"G'morning," I heard someone grumble from the door way.

I quickly escaped out of Tumblr and looked up to see Niall half asleep and a even more asleep Harry. "Moring boys!" I said all cheerfully, "Or should I say afternoon because it's 12:15." I said looking at the clock on the stove.

They both looked at the clock on the stove as well and groaned. Niall sat down beside me and Harry beside him. "So what's the plan for today."

"Well, at 1:30 I have a Park date. At 3:00 we are going into town because we need to check my mail. Supper is at 6:00 usually and then we can go for a walk somewhere to show you guys some cool sight seeing stuff." I smiled and nodded my head. I think I got it all.

Keep Me Next To You (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now