The Truth

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I didn't come out of my room until at least midnight. There wasn't anyone awake and I was starting to get really hungry.some food to eat since all I ate was breakfast and a little snack because I have a miny fridge in my room filled with M&M's and soda. So I left my room with caution to not wake anyone and made my way to the kitchen. I left the lights off as I made myself some toast and added penut butter to it. Then I cut up some bananas and put them on top. This was a nice midnight snack.

I heard someone moving around in one of the guest rooms so I sis one of those freeze and don't move until they stop moving things. Eventually everything was silent and I sat on a stool to start eating my creation.

I was two bites into it whne someone whispered, "What are you doing?"

I froze mid bite and looked up to see Niall standing in the door way. Right, he always gets up in the middle of the night to eat... I should have known.

I smiled after swallowing my food, "I was hungry." I shrugged, "M&M's and Coke Zero are not a proper meal."

He smiled and sat down beside me with an apple, "Are you feeling alright?"

I shrugged, "I guess so. Physically nothing is wrong with me."

"But mentally?"

I sighed and looked down at my toast and placing it back on my plate, "I just don't want to think anymore."

He casually slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to his side. "I actually know how you feel right now."

I just laughed. Of course he does.

Niall smiled down at me, "Do you want to know what happened before you came in with Danielle and Eleanor?"

My face went blank. Did I want to know? Was I involved somehow? "Only if you want me to know."

Niall looked at me for a second. His blue eyes bore into my brown ones before he started to tell me the story.

Niall POV (Earlier)

"Niall we need to talk," Demi stopped me from walking into the Kitchen. She grabbed my ahnd and led me to the living room that was empty. But I'm really hungry... Why is she doing this to me?

"Can't I eat first?" I asked as she sat me down onto the sofa.

She ran her hand through her hair with frustration, "No Niall, you connot eat first. This needs to be dealt with right now."

"What needs to be dealt with? Is there something wrong?" I asked with confussion. What was she talking about? I am so out of the loop right now its not even funny.

"Yes, something is wrong." She took in a deep breath, "Niall the problem is you and Nina."

"What? Demi you are making no sense whatsoever." I stood up from the couch and she pushed me right back down. Wow, she is stronger than I thought.

"Yes I am, you like Nina. Nina likes you. Its obvious to anyone who has eyes."

"Actually it is really obvious," A voice said from behind me. It was Taylor.

"Get out of this Taylor, its between just Niall and us," Demi almost growled at Taylor. Wow, I thought they were close friends. Taylor quickly left the room. "Niall, its either me or her, you have to choose. If you choose me, you can't stay here anymore of be seen with Nina. If you choose her than we are done."

"Don't you think that's a little harsh?" Another voice came from behind me. It was Phoebe.

"Can't anyone just let us have this talk in private?" Demi narrowed her eyes at Phoebe.

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