Caught You

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It didn't take me long to get to the party. I somehow recognized the house it was at, I know I've been here before. But I just can't remember when. Maybe it was some other party that I've been to. That dopesn't matter right now Nina, get a hold of yourself. I slowly made my way into the house that was filled with sweaty drunken teenagers dancing all over each other. It was so grose and nasty. That's why I always drink at parties, because I hate all the people rubbing up aginst me all the time while I'm trying to have a good time.

My eyes scanned over the people to see if I saw who I was looking for. It was really harder than you think to spot the one person who you are looking for. I was really hoping that he wasn't actually here and what I had heard earlier was just a lie. Or that he would remember me and not come. But knowing him, that most likely won't happen. I knew this wasn't going to last long between us, but that doesn't mean that it still hurts.

"OMG IS THAT NINA?!?!" Someone yelled. I turned my body as best as I could and saw a mop of red hair before the person through themselves onto me. I almost fell over.

I hugged her back, "Hey Keria. I need your help."

The short red head looked up at me with mischevious eyes. She's one of the only other people I trust at our school. "What would you like my dear?"

I laughed at her expression, "Can you tell me where Chase went?"

She smiled brightly at me, wow she must be over the moon and back again guessing on how drunck she looks right now, "Sure thing, he's went in the kitchen with Rose. They told me not to tell anyone 'cause they wanted some time alone." Her eyes widened as my jaw dropped, "Oopsie, I wasn't supposed to say nothin'."

"No its fine Keria, I won't say anythin," I patted her shoulder with a smile and my lips, but any sober person could really see the anger in  my eyes.

She quickly nodded before mummbling something about a beer and walking away from me. I weaved in and out of the sweaty people who were dancing to some song that I couldn't make out over all the noise. I eventually made it out of the living room and found the closed door to the kitchen. See, I knew I had been here before.

I really hoped Keria was lying to me and that he wasn't in this room with that slut. So I slowly took in a deep breath and creaked open the door. Sure enough there was two naked people laying on the counter top. The guy was most definately chase. I knew that messy brown hair any where.

I didn't think I was breathing until someone yelled from behind me. I didn't turn to see who it was, nor did Chase or Rose. I don't think I can ever talk to him face-to-face after this night. I just can't do it. I will let them be and in the morning Chase will have a nice surprise on his phone. I sloly took out my phone and heard the quite click of the camera befgoer attaching the picture to a text and writing this:

You bastard. We are done.

Keep Me Next To You (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now