The Adventure Continues

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Erik: Hello everyone, and welcome to the Sequel of this story called Kirby and Neptune: Dimension Force 2! 

Neptune: Hooray!

Kirby: Poyo!

Neptune: Finally, some me time.

Erik: Yeah, yeah, we get it Neptune. Not to mention Kirby as well.

Neptune: Oh yeah, I forgot.

Erik: Ahem. In last times book, we see Kirby and Neptune met for the first time ever as Kirby, Neptune, Bandana Dee, Nepgear, and Uzume decided to become friends with each other.

Erik: As they became friends, they decided to help Uzume out on her mission in order to save the Zero Dimension from a giant who cause mayhem. Along the way, they met new friends from traveling through Dream Land and Gamindustri (Which happen to Kirby, Neptune, Bandana Dee, and Marx mostly).

Erik: And finally, they manage to defeat Arfoire who was responsible for the destruction of Gamindustri with the help of Adult Neptune, Magolor, Gooey, and King Dedede that also want to help Uzume.

Erik: And with that, they say their farewell to Uzume as Kirby, Neptune, and the others went back to the Hyper Dimension.

Neptune: And that's where we left off, right?

Erik: Yep. But anyway, that's the end of the recap from the last times book so without further a do...

E/N: Let's continue on with the story!

Kirby: Poyo!

And with that, the screen fades black.

Hyper Dimension, Planeptune

We start off the story in Planeptune, one of the four nations in Gamindustri as the Narrator said.

It's been a few days since Neptune and I returned from the Zero Dimension.

When we got back, we threw a small tea party to apologize to everyone for worrying them, but also to thank them for helping us.

Especially Kirby and his buddies name Bandana Dee, Marx, Magolor, Gooey, and King Dedede who also help us out which we really appreciated. 

So, Neptune and I thought that Kirby and his buddies should come with us so we can help them find their way back home to their dimension known as Dream Land.

And so, they gladly accepted it which Neptune and I are really thankful since we wanted to return a favor.

However, Gamindustri was still in the middle of the CPU Shift Period, so helping them find their way back home will have to wait. Also, we were worried everyone would be too busy to accept our invitation...

But, day by day, the baseless slander and terrible rumors against Neptune and the others have piled up...

It seems they all had way more stress piled up than I thought...

We then cut into the next scene showing the inside of Planeptune's Basilicom as we see Noire feeling stressed out saying.

Noire: Ugh! Who's the jerk that posted on the image board saying I'm a lonely protector without any friends?! It's spreading everywhere!

Next, we turn left to see is a adult woman, with a slender figure, sizable bust, and dark blue eyes. Vert's hair is blonde, and goes down to her waist in length. It is kept free, and is rather wavy. Her fringe is kept just above her eyes, and she has three sets of bangs; first going down to her upper-jaw, second, upper-neck, third, chest-length. Vert's attire is a green and peach-colored dress, with the top being a dark green that has gold lining on it, and being sleeveless, as well as revealing a considerable portion of her cleavage, covered through a veil of sorts. She has a ribbon on her neck, which is red in color, and has detached upper-arm portions of her dress's sleeves and has frilled gloves on her hands. And her name is Vert, the goddess of Leanbox.

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