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I don't know what the hell she is thinking in going over to his house? Has she gone MAD! Is she searching for TROUBLE! What is she gonna find when she gets there? Nothing much, really. Just Larry, and that other woman, and the grown children, whom most of them doesn't have decency to come visit their mother or call in to check on her when she is clearly out of her mind, She is out of it, that she talks to a damn fish, A FISH! What are they are gonna say when they find out that their loving mother and also ex- wife has a close relationship with a koi fish, they bestow pity on her and say that they are sorry that they haven't been around to visit, they was just caught between work and family, so they are stuck, so is Olive. And she is trying to get her life together is for what I have noticed. Doing all these activities to fill that void that she has empty inside, and it isn't enough. And she wants to fill it, she tries to fill it, when she realizes that it's not enough, and can't fill it any longer and she drops her head down and cries. Charlie, I think what she is doing, is brave, I'm glad that she is gonna do something about that void, and I hope her trip goes well for her, she is a sweet heart. She is one of a kind, or one of many. A drink to that. Do you want me to refill your glass? No, I'm good, I'm just gonna finish reading the last part of the news article. Oh, look, it says that "local" young man has been found dead at a county field, ain't that terrible. It Said that he was beaten and stabbed multiple times and all together violated, sexually. Oh my god, who would do such a thing? I don't know, dear, I don't know. Did they say who it was? No, it just describes that he is  "local" and "young", poor kid, I wonder how his parents must be feeling? If I was his mother, I would be in so much pain and loss and grief.... to the point my heart wouldn't feel any love anymore, once your off spring is gone, a part of you goes with them. So, in this case, he is dead, Margie. A part of me will die with him.

KOI FISH ROMANCE IN IOWA //🐟  A NOVEL  🐟// BY: MR. OMAR KINGWhere stories live. Discover now