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Olive spends the afternoon looking for nice clothes to wear for the party at Larry's. Some of them clothes looked dreadful, not one of them matched her character. Most clothes for women of certain age wear too tight. Too loose. Too baggy. Too small. and too revealing. Is she sure that this is the right place to be? She was certain that it was, when she walked up the street and read those bold letters that said the clothing department for women. She entered and asked the girl at the front if there are any new clothes for women of certain age. Unbeknownst to Olive, there were, but not of her stature.  Sweet heart, there has got to be clothes that fit me. I am going to party at my ex-husband's house, and well they don't know that I am coming, and I so want to be there looking all dolled up and nice when I show up to their door step saying "Did you miss me." and he would get on his knees and beg for forgiveness and I stand tall and proud with my chin up and  rejecting him like he did to me. Hmmmm- I'm afraid we are limited to what you are looking for. What if I look in the back room and check if have anything else, something that will match your character, if you would let me step out for a moment. Oh no, of course, honey, take your time. I will be here waiting. Good, I will only be away for a moment. All right. Olive sits on a chair next to a mirror without any clothes on except her fat bra and underwear. Sitting down, she looks like depressed walrus waiting for time pass by and have the day be over with so she can go to bed and sleep and let stress of being a walrus pass through. She turns to the mirror and stairs at her reflection, she sees herself in many ways, ex-wife, mother, daughter, and woman. The kind that isn't appreciated anymore, the kind that had been used up and tossed away by  the member of her pairs. The kind that people would call "boring". Though, knowing that, who is she really when she is all alone? I think I found something of your size, but I would have to ask you to try it on and see how it looks on you. I think this yellow sundress would look dandy on you. All right, hon, let's try it out!

KOI FISH ROMANCE IN IOWA //🐟  A NOVEL  🐟// BY: MR. OMAR KINGWhere stories live. Discover now