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"Oh Gary, can you believe it? A friend is coming over for dinner! I'm having a friend over for dinner... I'm having friend over for dinner! Happy days are here again!
It feels wonderful having someone come by all the way to my house and say hi how are ya? Just to see me... me. I never felt so special.... since that spring in 1999. Those were good times..... although everyday is a special day, don't you agree, Gary?"

Gary floats in his small tank and slowly blows bubbles in the water... giving Olive a response back.

"There are so many things I need to do. I have to clean the house, clean the kitchen, the living-room, the bedroom, the bathroom, the porch. And also, I have to mow the whole lawn out in the front of the house. Maybe I could call a man to do it... or a lady? I don't care, whatever works best, golly I'm so happy!"

KOI FISH ROMANCE IN IOWA //🐟  A NOVEL  🐟// BY: MR. OMAR KINGWhere stories live. Discover now