chapter 15

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sorry for not updating this in forever. bet no one reads this book anymore now but whatever

tw // murder


The rest of the day Taehyung spent in denial. Whatever Leah had thought she was saying back there at breakfast, he just knew for a fact that this was straightup bullshit. He was no gate or anything to hell, or to anything else. Taehyung was a human being, a smart one who made it to space academy to create superhumans, an intelligent boy meant to help in getting the world back under human's control. This was the only thing Taehyung was, a human being. And whatever that crazy bitch had been saying was ripped far out of nothing, with no proof at all.

At least he tried to calm himself down with repeatedly telling his beating heart that.

What bothered him though was how he started seeing Jungkook after this conversation. Suddenly the tension and the affection towards this boy had vanished and Taehyung could feel nothing but hatred. Everything had went down the second he pressed that damn button that gave Jungkook life. All the students were suspecting him to be crazy, the teachers didn't trust him at all and there was nothing he was working for anymore. No goal to achieve, all thanks to Jungkook and his psychotic behavior.
The younger boy however did not seem to notice the change in Taehyung's attitude. The anger that was constantly written all over Taehyung's face that made all the others jump away just by the mere sight of him, Jungkook couldn't see it.

That's when Taehyung once more realised that Jungkook wasn't human at all. He couldn't read emotions. When Taehyung yelled at him to let him go to the bathroom on his own, Jungkook tilted his head and did not understand why Taehyung was yelling. When he found Taehyung sobbing in the bed at night, Jungkook would bit his lips, not knowing what to say.
It seemed as if the only thing Jungkook knew how to feel was pleasure.
And it started to piss Taehyung off, he wasn't sure why but every action of Jungkook, it was simply annoying and he kept telling Jungkook to stop whatever he was doing.

Kook always behaved, expressions dropping whenever he had to go back to calmly sitting on one spot and got forbid to talk.
But of course he wouldn't ask what was wrong, because he couldn't understand that something was indeed wrong.

More than anything Taehyung wished for someone to talk to him about all of this now, someone who would be able to get how frustrating this was. To be held responsible for things that weren't even his fault. He did not want any of this. All he wished for was to finally be able to bring his superhuman to life and get to the next level of his studies.
Never he wished to be special or outstanding-, especially not in such a bad way.

"Taehyung", a harsh voice made the boy look up from the wall he was staring at. He had been sitting on one of the hallways during the afternoon, bored because he wasn't allowed to join classes anymore. "What's with you? Get up and go to your room", it was Namjoon who gave Taehyung new orders in a more than just unfriendly voice.
"Why?", Taehyung snapped angrily, "Can't I be where I want anymore now as well?"

Namjoon sighed, "It's for your own safety, Taehyung", he tried to explain, sideglancing Jungkook who sat awkwardly next to Taehyung and looked up at Namjoon with a gaze that looked a little glassy. As if he wasn't really looking, he was just staring while thinking very hard.
"I can't see any immediate danger", Taehyung replied, sounding upset. Namjoon once more looked at Jungkook. The boy had his head tilted now, his hair falling softly above his eyes while he started grinning when he caught Namjoon's stare.
That was enough to make Namjoon grumble a weary "Whatever", and leave hastily.

Taehyung threw a mad glare at Jungkook who flinched at Taehyung's stare and immediately looked to the ground. "You scare everyone away from us, you do realize that, right?", the older lost it and did the one thing he usually refused to do, letting it out on Jungkook.
"Isn't that right?", Jungkook asked confused, "You have me, that's enough", he said with the evil smirk plastering his pretty lips once more. Taehyung had to pinch himself to not fall for the evilness as he always did, it used to give him a tensed feeling all over his body whenever he saw the evilness shining through Jungkook's eyes.
But he had enough for today, his expression darkened and he got up from the floor, "No. That's not enough. I'm human. I need social interaction."

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