chapter 9

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"But I could show you what's going to happen once we have sex", Jungkook whispered, reaching for Taehyung's hands. "How?", Taehyung asked surprised, fully unaware of how much Jungkook was capable of.
"I have superpowers, remember?", Kook laughed and wiggled his eyebrows. "Let me just-"
He put one of his fingers on Taehyung's forehead and focused. "Shut your eyes", he said and Taehyung did so, closing his eyes as his vision went blurry and his thoughts vanished from his mind.

"Remember that whatever you're going to see isn't real yet, don't freak out", Jungkook bit his lips before he put his other hand to Taehyung's heart and that's when everything went black and as soon as Taehyung opened his eyes again he wasn't in his bedroom on the spaceship anymore.
The boys stood in the middle of nowhere, a ground where no grass was growing anymore, the sky was colored in a dark gray-ish and it was raining.
Yet the smell of burning made Taehyung panic a little, at first he couldn't make out where it was coming from but soon enough he realized that there was fire everywhere.
There used to the a forest but it was standing in high dancing flames, covering the whole area. Every flower that used to grow here was gone, the trees burned and had lost every color.

There was nothing left.

"Turn around", Jungkook whispered, he was standing next to Taehyung, quiet until now.

Taehyung listened and turned around, looking at what used to be their spaceship, their home for hundreds of years. In flames. Crashed to the ground.
Jungkook gulped when he saw Taehyung's mouth dropped open, "Where is everyone?"
The younger took Taehyung by his hand and pulled him over to the destroyed spaceship. They stood in the middle of ruins, there was nothing left.
"There", Jungkook replied and Taehyung saw dozens of dead bodies. They were all burned but some were still recognizable.

Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Gigi - Taehyung found them all, laying there with ripped off skin and burned hair. "Where are we, Kook?", Taehyung turned to Jungkook, looking at him anxiously.


Taehyung went quiet.
It was Jungkook who continued on and dragged Taehyung further away from the ship, heading inside the burning forest. "Stop, we're going to get burned", Taehyung let out in fear but Jungkook smiled a little, "We can't get burned by our own flames, Tae", he promised and then dragged him along.
"Our own flames?", the older asked in disbelief. "What did we do?"

Kook didn't reply, instead he stopped in front of a wall where dead bodies were hung everywhere. Just that those didn't look human, they had pink skin and huge, blue eyes and lips and where extremely tall and slim.
"We won the war", Jungkook said bittersweetly. Even he looked sorry for what they apparently had done.

"We?", Taehyung asked, he was still shocked.

"We", Jungkook nodded, "You and Me."

Taehyung looked down to his feet, trying to put his focus on that to get rid off the dizzy feeling that was coming over him. So they killed everyone, every fucking being around.
"Kook why did we do this?", Taehyung asked slowly, reaching for Jungkook's hand. There was something inside of him that felt comfortable around here, knowing he did all of this - it satisfied Taehyung. Even though he knew that whatever happened around here, it was wrong and it was evil. Yet it fulfilled the deepest desires inside of Taehyung.

"You tried to save me", Jungkook whispered, "When it should have been you that needed to be saved."

Taehyung gulped, stepping back a little, "Is there anybody left?", he asked slowly, looking around. Surrounded by death and fire, this almost looked like how he imagined hell. Not earth. In school they had learned about how the earth was covered in nature, green everywhere and animals living happily ever after.
But that was back then and this was now. Nothing but smoke of the fire, dead humans, aliens and animals and a smell of regret. "Goddamnit Jungkook we ended the world", Taehyung let out anxiously, "We ruined everything."

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