chapter 11

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this storyline deserves so much more recognition 💔


The following days were a rush. Taehyung and Jungkook were dragged from room to room, expected to an almost 48 hours pull-through. First they put them into the war room, a simulation that showed how the fight between earth and space was bound to happen in a few years; once the academy was ready and had fully educated their warriors.
Jungkook and Taehyung had no trouble winning that one, Jungkook's superpowers and Taehyung's natural instinct made it easy to last 24 hours in this room. Of course they never saw the war ending, but they did a pretty good impression by killing a few aliens there and succeeded in building a small tent in which they could rest overnight.
But as soon as they were out of that, they ranked second on the ranking, most pairs hadn't ever lasted for all three rooms. No one except Hoseok and Yoongi, they still topped the list and were busy working on the panic room.
They went in there every single day but it had the same ending no matter what, Hoseok ending up losing all sense of control over his system while Yoongi was frightened to death.

67 times they had tried.
And now that Jungkook and Taehyung were only one room behind, the pressure started growing. People on the ship realized that these two were actually a good team, that even though Taehyung needed 666 tries to get it right, he had done a nice job with creating Jungkook.

Soon there were bets made on who would get through all five rooms first, a lot of younger students were hyped for Jungkook and Taehyung, believing in them ranking first in a couple of days. Others, the older and more educated students, they were still sure that it was Yoongi and Hoseok who would be first graduating this school. They knew that Jungkook and Taehyung were young and stupid, way too overexcited to take the whole thing serious.

It got worse once Jungkook and Taehyung rushed the fourth room at first try. To be fair it was a pretty easy simulation in comparison to the war room or the tempation room. It showed life in space a hundred years from now if they wouldn't win the war or the experiments wouldn't succeed. Starvation and a lack of all kinds of things was the main aspect here, the simulation was checking on how moody they could get after starving for days and how they would think in the situation. Taehyung and Jungkook were sneaky, they both got themselves into a manager team and brought in some ideas how to improve the spaceship and how to share the last pieces of food, they consulted over who would get executed first if the air would run out and held talks all day with the Future Namjoon who called them a great help.

How they were doing it so smoothly, that was the main question that came up after they were done with all four rooms except for the panic room. Everyone had this picture in mind that the two of them would just mess everything up and wouldn't even get through the temptation room which should be the easiest.
Little did they know that these two kids were impressively good at faking it. With only one weak spot ; each other.

"I'd love to know what you did to get on top of the ranking", Jimin grumbled one day at dinner. The group of friends was sitting there and ate their meal for the evening. "You could see it on screen, Jimin. It's visible for everyone to see how we got where we are", Taehyung explained calmly, smirking because he knew that his relaxed tone would freak the older out.
"Yeah but how. How much did you pay Namjoon to tell you the tricks?", he lifted his brows, "There's now way you two idiots made it work all by yourselves."

"True", Jungkook chuckled, "We bribed them. You got us, well done Jimin. Here's your medal", he grinned and threw a spaghetti at the boy.
Jimin squeaked out and threw one back but both boys got stopped by their partners. Gigi was taking Jimin's plate away while Taehyung was smacking Jungkook's head to make him stop.

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