chapter 17

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"What's gonna happen now?", Taehyung asked with tears sparkling in his eyes. He had fucked it all up, the whole spaceship was going to hell thanks to him. Their only chance of going back down to earth had just died and now, with Seokjin and Jungkook being in control, it was only a question of time until every good person on here was dead.
"What's happening now is", Seokjin inhaled deeply with an evil smirk on his face, "That I am goign to take the position I should have had from the start. I will take over this ship and I will use it to my favors. We are not going to fight for earth, we are going to get rid off all the humans and then fight our way to another planet. One that's made for us."

Jungkook stood there, silently. He stared to the ground while Taehyung couldn't believe any of what he was hearing.
"So you are killing all of us?", he asked.

"Those who are not going to willingly obey to my orders", Seokjin corrected. "Let's go, Jungkook. Let's take what should have been ours ages ago."

The boy nodded.
Seokjin headed towards the door, walked out and Jungkook followed.

"Kookie", Taehyung whispered, tears now falling off his cheeks, he still wished for all of this stop happening.
Jungkook was almost out of the door when he turned around and locked eyes with Taehyung for a few seconds. For a second, Taehyung could have sworn there was the sparkle he used to see in Jungkook's eyes every day. The boy stood there quietly for a while, not following Namjoon. As if he was waiting for Taehyung to say something.

"Jungkook!", Seokjin yelled from outside, "Are you coming?"

Jungkook flinched and then turned around, rushing outside.


Taehyung walked along the tables in the cafeteria, looking for his friends. The least he could do now was warning them. He passed by Leah who only smirked in a way that creeped Taehyung out. She had known too. They all did. It was just him who got fooled by a boy he should have known better. He himself created him, how could he not see what was so obvious in front of him. Of course he couldn't change the devil, he should have seen that right away.
But instead he defended him so much that he actually made it possible for Jungkook to kill Namjoon right in front of everyone's nose.

"Taehyung", it was Jimin's voice that ripped him out of his thoughts. "Why are you crying?"
There were still tears leaving his eyes, unable to stop so it seemed.
Taehyung sat down next to Jimin and the others and just started crying, "I fucked everything up-"

"Tell us something we don't know", Yoongi grumbled, "You always fuck everything up."
Jimin chuckled while Gigi and Hoseok were sharing a concerned look. "Where is Jungkook?", the girl asked confused.

"Gone. Jungkook's gone. Namjoon just died and-"

"Namjoon died?!", Jimin yelled out, way too loud so he had all eyes on their table a minute later. "What-"

"It was all planned out by Seokjin"; Taehyung tried to explain, "He-"
He didn't get any further because their conversation got interrupted by all the screens in the room lightening up, showing Seokjin's face. He was about to hold a speech.
Jimin and Yoongi gulped, not sure what exactly was going on.

"Good morning students of the space academy", Seokjin said, a bright grin on his face, "There has been a tragic accident this morning. Our beloved leader Namjoon has vanished from us. There was no chance to save him."

"I thought Namjoon's immortal", Jimin whispered.
Yoongi shook his head, "No, he was only unable to die of age. But not unable to be killed."

Seokjin continued, "We believe he will be missed after all. I will take over the ship from now on as your new principal. I believe there are some changes that have to be made to prevent any further accidents like this. I want all of you students coming to the third corridor at noon. We will go through a new kind of testing to make this ship more secure. For now, please enjoy breakfast."

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