chapter 21

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last chapter. there will be no epilogue for this one :') 


"Come with me", the tiny thing ordered as it started walking right into the forest. It didn't seem to mind the burning spaceship anymore, even though it was just a little bit away from the trees within the forest. Jungkook and Taehyung followed a little confused, not talking until talked to.

"What is names?", the little alien asked, looking at them with its big eyes.

"I'm Taehyung and this is Jungkook", the older explained, "So you rule earth?"
Squiggy nodded with its ugly teeth showing through his grin, "Indeed. Where you come from?"

"Space", Taehyung shrugged, "We were born there."
It nodded and then went silent as it pushed through the forest, there were no real ways at all so they had to pay attention to where they put their feet. The grass was as high as their knees and Taehyung could feel animals brushing along his legs from time to time. The longer he walked along here, the more he missed the clean surrounding of space, the hygiene within everything and the nonexistence of animals nor other beings than humans and their experiments.

He looked back one time, letting out a small sigh.
Everything he used to know was burnt down in flames, never going to be rescued again.


Several hours later the sun was setting and the fire of the spaceship had finally burnt out. Ashes were surrounding the huge machinery and there were dozens of little aliens standing around it, staring at the thing that crashed down from the sky only hours ago.

"Holy shit", a girl's voice that was followed by two pair of feet was audible all of a sudden.

"I thought this would never stop", a boy replied, chuckling. "I hate fire more than I hate not being able to breathe, let me tell you that."
The girl smiled at him, "We should try to find Jungkook and Taehyung, I bet they're running right into the traps." He lifted his brows, "You seriously want to help these idiots?", he asked, "They left us to die and just saved their own ass."

"They thought there is no other way, Hoseok", Gigi rolled her eyes. "Jungkook would have been killed if they didn't escape-"

"No, he wouldn't have. We killed Seokjin. Yoongi died because of these two and I fully blame them", Hoseok snapped. "You don't get it, do you?", Gigi rolled her eyes, "You didn't kill Seokjin. He's like us. He's not human, Hoseok. He's the first superhuman Namjoon ever created."

"Doesn't mean he can't be killed. We ripped his heart out", Hoseok grumbled.

Gigi stopped him and put her hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat, "You hear that? No heartbeat. We can't die, even when our hearts stop beating, we come back. We're born to be warriors in a war with aliens, dying would be such a weakness, don't you get it?"

Hoseok let out a sigh, "We didn't know that before. No one knew we would survive because no one ever tested that."

"Seokjin knew that, and so did Namjoon", Gigi shrugged, "I once heard someone saying that Namjoon tested death on Seokjin and with every time he came back he just more and more evil. So at some point he stopped and abanonded him from any experimenting."
"How do you know all this?! Yoongi and me went through all the training lessons yet we have no clue!"

"You'd be surprised how much time I spent reading while Jimin was busy praising himself", Gigi giggled. "Thank god he was human, I couldn't be bothered with him for eternity."

"Oh please", Hoseok laughed, "Am I the only one who actually liked their human?!"

"No", Gigi smiled, "So did Jungkook. Which is why we have to find him and Taehyung! They're gonna die. Neither of them ever paid attention in class, I bet they think the aliens are nice just because they tend to look cute and talk nicely."
"You're seriously such a good person", Hoseok hummed, "It's almost annoying how good you are. Saving the two most ignorant asses in the world. But fine, let's go." He grabbed Gigi's hand and pulled her forwards, stepping out of the ashes and passing straight by the aliens that stood in a little distance, staring at them with their huge eyes, squeaking with each other in a language they couldn't understand.

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