chapter 8

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hi im back from my trip


"Good Morning", Jungkook said out loudly the next morning, jumping up from his mattress to join Taehyung in his bed that he still refused to share with the younger. "They brought us breakfast to our room", he giggled happily and pointed onto the plates that were placed on Taehyung's nightstand.
"What", Taehyung was still half asleep, eyes closed and his thoughts still confused from the bizarre dream he just had.

"Breakfast", Jungkook squeaked out again. They had brought them a few slices of bread, orange juice and some jam to put it on their bread. "In bed." Kook added, "And no I don't mean my dick but if you prefer that, we can arrange that as well."

"Goodnight", Taehyung was too tired to actually listen so he just turned around and showed Jungkook his back, annoyed by this much energy in the morning. "It's 7am", Jungkook grumbled, "No sleeping, more Jungkooking~"

"Did you just make up a verb off of your name?", Taehyung let out the biggest sigh, smiling a little because sometimes Jungkook was so innocent and adorable in his ways. No one would think that there was the literal devil inside of him. "I did, do you like it?", Jungkook asked curiously.

"No", Tae laughed and then finally sat up in bed, reaching for Jungkook's waist to pull him close. "I had the weirdest dream ever", he complained before hugging Jungkook tightly.

"What was it about?", the younger asked softly.

"You",Taehyung whispered, "We were back on earth and fought a war. But we didn't fight the war against the aliens that capture earth, we were the ones fighting our own people. It was crazy but all I cared about was getting you somewhere safe-"
Jungkook remained silent, smirking a little. So his powers really did work. Last night Jungkook had tried them on Taehyung. After he fell asleep Jungkook had put his fingers on Taehyung's heart and tried to get into Taehyung's head and change his subconscious while dreaming. Obviously it worked.
"You don't seem surprised", Taehyung commented on that when Jungkook didn't reply and only played around with Taehyung's messy hair. "Jungkook." The younger still didn't answer, he just giggled to himself and then hopped off Taehyung's lap, "Let's eat I'm starving!", he said innocently and handed Taehyung a glass with orange juice.

"Jungkook what did you do this time", Tae sighed.

"Nothing!", Kook shook his head, "I did nothing bad I promise."

"You seriously are the most exhausting human being ever", Tae groaned, "Why is our breakfast in here?"

"Lucky me that I'm not human after all", Jungkook said and then got up from the bed, "No idea why. It was here when I woke up." Taehyung followed him out of the bed, "Let's go to the cafeteria and see what this is about", he hummed, heading over to the door but as soon as he tried to push it open he realized that it was locked.
"Jungkook!", he yelled out, "Where's the fucking key? God I'm not in the mood for your games today!"

"I don't have the key", the younger said helplessly. "I swear I didn't lock this door."

Wait. Taehyung turned around slowly, watching the breakfast, then the door and then Jungkook. Angrily he headed over to the phone that was hung up on the wall so they could communicate with the others on this ship via phone. Cellphones weren't existent in space obviously. "They locked us here on purpose", Taehyung said madly as he dialed Namjoon's number. He knew exactly what this was about.
After what went down yesterday, the whole crew had finally realized how incredibly dangerous Jungkook was, so obviously their first reaction was to lock them in one room until they figured out a way.

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