chapter 5

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enjoy a very late update as always


"What do you mean with that, Jungkook?" Taehyung had not moved an inch since the last thing Jungkook had said. Not that he already knew what Jungkook meant, he just didn't want it to be true at all. So he was hoping for the boy to give a different answer than he was expecting. 

Which wouldn't happen. The younger only smirked way too bright and stepped closer, "Have you never asked yourself where I went? We spent all the time together, TaeTae!" 

"Shut up." 

"It's when you started working on your project", Jungkook kept talking, brushing softly along Taehyung's arm, "You didn't need me anymore, because you were busy making me real." 

"Be quiet." 

Taehyung pressed his hands onto his ears, looking away from the boy who kept stepping closer, now whispering to his ear, "We both know you would have been smart enough to make it in the first try. But that wouldn't have turned out to be me then, right? It needed 666 tries." 

"You're crazy", Taehyung yelled out, "You left me because I grew up. And you're not back now, you're just playing with my mind right now, Kook. Stop it, you are not him." 

"I'm not him, that's right. But he's me." 

"Get away from me", Taehyung groaned, pushing Jungkook off who kept clinging onto Taehyung, wrapping his arms around him to hold onto him. 

"I'm your best friend! Why are you so mean to me?", Jungkook asked innocently, "I've always been there for you." 

"You weren't even there for real", Taehyung said sharply. "All you've ever been was imagined. In my head. You weren't real." 

"But look at me, I'm real now, aren't I?" 

"You are a fucking experiment for school and nothing more than that", Taehyung said and started walking straight ahead, even deeper into the forest. He just wanted to get out of this room, it scared him because he had no clue what was simulated and what was real. 

"Then tell me one thing", Jungkook chuckled, "How am I just an experiment when I know why your parents killed themselves?" 

"Shut up!", Taehyung started running, trying to get away from the boy but Jungkook just kept following him. 

"It's okay, TaeTae! We didn't mean to drive them crazy~" 

"They weren't crazy." 

"But you were. And they couldn't stand it", Jungkook giggled, grabbing Taehyung's hand. "I can imagine how scary it must have been to them. To have their own son talking to an imaginery friend all the time."

"Please stop", Taehyung begged, "Stop." 

"Talking so much to him that you end up killing your own brother after he was born", Jungkook smiled, "Just because you were scared he would take me away from you. My sweet little TaeTae, you should have known that I will never leave you." 

Taehyung stopped instantly, turned around and then grabbed Jungkook by his neck, "If you won't shut up now I will kick your ass of the spaceship." 

"You'll create me again", Jungkook shrugged, "I'll always be by your side." 

"You're a fucking creep, Jungkook."

"So are you, TaeTae"

"Stop with the nickname! I'm not five anymore", Taehyung whined, letting go of the younger. He then plopped down on the ground and just started sobbing, "Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing. I didn't knew back then with my brother. I didn't knew when I created you into a real person. I just-" 

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