chapter 7

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should i write more books with dystopian concepts like i tried in space academy-


"You two seriously screwed up the tempation room because you wanted to fuck?!", Yoongi blurted out in laughter at breakfast the next morning. Everyone knew what happened yesterday, things like this were never kept secret because all simulations were broadcasted for everyone to see. It was basically like the tv-program up in space.

"Dude", Taehyung's cheeks were flushed red and he felt more than just uncomfortable at the table, surrounded by all the others. "You two have weird temptations", Jimin said, "When Gigi and I had our turn, we had to fight demons and shit and won the round at first try. Then there's you two who can't even keep their hands off each other for more than five minutes."

"I don't even wanna know what's going on in their bedroom at night", Gigi giggled and Jimin joined in, "Taehyung really can't keep his dick in his pants when it comes to experiments for graduation, huh."

"At night in our bedroom we usually plan how to cut your throat, nothing else", Jungkook said sharply, staring at Jimin madly. "You'll be first to die, trust me", he winked and then grinned at Taehyung, "Right?"

"Jungkook", Taehyung only sighed, "We're not killing anyone."

"Lame", the younger rolled his eyes and then grabbed Taehyung's hand under the table, playing around with his fingers shyly while the others went back to mocking the two of them.
"So you're going in today for another try?", Yoongi asked curiously, "You do know that it gets harder with every time you fail, right?"

"Like my dick", Kook giggled and got a little closer to Taehyung, leaving no space in between them. Taehyung subconsciously put his free hand on Kook's thigh, softly brushing it up and down while the younger felt like electricity was rushing through his veins.

"So tell me", Jimin interrupted again, "How does it feel to get horny over a little shit like Jungkook? You can't tell me that you seriously think he's attractive, all he does is planning murder and pull creepy shit-"

"He's cute sometimes", Taehyung sighed, "Plus it's none of your business who I get horny for-"

"We'll do great today", Kook announced, "And you'll end up regretting being shitty once we're in power."
And with that Jungkook pulled Tae up and dragged him out of the room, ready to skip breakfast just to go into the room one more time.

"Koo", Taehyung hummed as they headed to Namjoon's laboratory. "Promise me to stay five feet apart from me in there-"
"Why? You can't handle being close to me?", Jungkook teased and let his hand wander beneath Taehyung's shirt.

"Just stay away from me", Taehyung bit his lips, "I don't know why you are my worst temptation but it is scaring me, okay? I've thought worse things in life yet you seem the most dangerous thing that could happen to me."

"To you? Or to this world?"

"To me", Taehyung said, "Please promise me."

"Fine, I promise", Jungkook agreed, looking down to the floor.

It was crazy.
Every minute of the day Jungkook's mind was filled with the most horrible ideas, killing was his guilty pleasure and seeing people like Jimin sparked his mind with whole new concepts how to painfully murder someone. Yet when it got to Taehyung, he got so weak that he even gave him the smallest promises. Somehow it made him feel warm inside to see Taehyung's smile, it got him a weird thing in his tummy that he didn't know how to describe.
Emotions were something that Jungkook didn't know, only thing he ever felt were negative things but something about Taehyung made him want to show his best sides.
Even though he had no idea what those sides were.

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